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Growing Cypresses for Timber - Videos and Information

Here you will find a series of short videos and information notes providing ‘back to basics’ information on growing cypresses for timber. We hope these resources will encourage you to give cypresses a go.

There are some golden rules when growing cypresses for timber which we cover in the resources.

There are also variations in the way that cypresses can be grown to produce timber: that is part of the enjoyment of growing diverse species, and we could not hope to cover all the variations here.

Members of the NZ Farm Forestry Association have been growing cypresses for many decades and have valuable experience. We recommend you join the Cypress Development Group, get involved with your local NZFFA branch, and visit some local growers to learn more about growing cypresses for timber.

Information Notes

These resources were produced with funding from the MPI Sustainable Farming Fund and NZFFA Cypress Development Group


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