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Secretary: Russell Coker
13 Patiki Street
03 358 7211
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Central Canterbury Branch

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Tree Grower articles

  • West Melton bush block (Access: unrestricted)
    Peter Gatehouse, August 2015
    The open Canterbury Plain is not the easiest site to create a new native forest. Strong cold easterlies, desiccating north-westerlies, frost and periodic snow are major factors for survival. In…
  • Husqvarna South Island Farm Foresters of the Year 2014 - Graeme and Christine McArthur (Access: unrestricted)
    Neil Cullen, May 2014
    The McArthur property, Lochaber Downs is situated near the small town of Whitecliffs, nestled in the foothills midway between the Rakaia and Waimakariri rivers. The farm of 680 hectares was…
  • Silverwood (Access: unrestricted)
    Derrick Rooney, February 2011
    A four hectare experimental area alongside the road frontage of Silverwood farm, on Leaches Road near Hororata, provides the Central Canterbury branch of the NZFFA with a valuable opportunity. We…

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