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July, 2017

Federated Farmers back FOA on Local Government charges for NES inspections

Federated Farmers, representing the owners of what they estimate is 274,292 hectares of forests on farmland in New Zealand, have backed FOA objections to proposed local government charges for monitoring permitted activities under the yet to be implemented National Environment Standard for Plantation Forestry.

Federated Farmers has summitted to MPI that the proposal for charging will have a negative effect on farm scale forest production, and will not be efficient nor effective as it will be 're-introducing unwarranted variation, uncertainty and ineffectiveness' - the very features the introduction of the NES-PF was meant to fix. Federated Farmers state many farmers have planted out trees; as diversification of their land investment, for soil conservation and erosion control, shelter for stock and as a 'low-impact land use to balance other highly prod uctive areas of the farm'.

Source: Forest Owners Association

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