Chairmans comment
Timber Grades
I was approached recently by a member who has been having difficulty with his local building inspector. He supplied cladding timber to a house owner, graded to Farm Forestry Timbers Standard Cladding grade. He telephoned me because the building inspector had rejected it saying it wasn't an acceptable solution under the building code.
At the top of our Cladding Grade page it says "These grades meet or exceed the durability performance requirements set out in NZS 3602:2003 for cladding". I suggested that he inform the building inspector that his timber and our grade rules did indeed comply with the relevant standards and is indeed an acceptable solution. Clearly the inspector's evaluation was based on ignorance of the standards, because once the relevant sections were shown to him (at considerable cost to the supplier in purchasing the relevant standards) he apologised and allowed the timber to be used for cladding. This situation highlights the need for our group to work together and back the individual facing bureaucratic hurdles.
If you're a producer you don't need to purchase the NZ standards, our grades already comply. If you're a buyer you can be assured that our grades comply. If you're not sure, just email me, I have all the standards.
So... do we need a generic Producer Statement template for our suppliers to deal with building consent authorities? Your comments welcome.
Dean Satchell
Farm Forestry Timbers Society AGM
We'll be holding our AGM online once a year, during December this year. Are you interested in participating in the running of our society? Can you contribute ideas and enthusiasm so we succeed and grow? If so, please email me. I'll be organising the "meeting" to be held on skype, so you will require a reasonable internet connection. You'll receive a further notification but at this point I'd like an expression of interest so I can organise the appropriate forum.
Dean Satchell, Chairman
Timbers weekend Wanganui
You were all informed about this hands-on weekend looking at trees and timber in the Wanganui region. A good crowd were there with lots of interest and enthusiasm. A very successful and interesting weekend was had by all.... more>>
Annual subscriptions
The end of the year means subscription forms are being posted out for next years membership. Its pretty good value for money and will continue your listing and adverts in our marketplace. Just post it back to Farm Forestry Head office with your cheque or follow the instructions on the form. Please don't let your membership lapse, some of you have been complementary members over the last year with listings in the marketplace. It's in the interests of all here to ensure we can build on the opportunity this platform provides.