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Specialty Timbers newsletter 15, May 2018

Farm Forestry Timbers 

Specialty Timbers newsletter 15, May 2018

Farm Forestry Timbers are an industry body representing the interests of specialty timber producers and users in New Zealand. We support and advocate for locally produced timbers going into local markets for quality products. We represent all facets of industry – membership ranges from growers right through to designers and users of timber.

Farm Forestry Timbers Society

Eric Cairns
04 526 7929

Dean Satchell

Richard Thompson

Newsletter editor:
Dean Satchell

Bill Studd


Alan Coyle, Marco Lausberg, Angus Gordon, Vaughan Kearns, Bill Studd, Neil Cullen, George Shallcrass, Richard Renwick, Don McGregor, Brian Simms, Malcom McKenzie, and Graham Smith.

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IRD #139-741-811

In this newsletter:

Farm Forestry Timbers Society AGM 2018 - Annual chair's report

Annual General Meeting, Tahuna Conference Centre, 5-6 pm 6th May 2018

The last year has been a busy and hopefully productive year for me as the Farm Forestry representative on three important standards committees that relate to use of timber in construction. Two of these standards have made it to the public comment stage and I'm hoping will be done and dusted before the end of the year. These are NZS 3640 which is about chemical preservation of timber, and the closely related NZS 3602, which provides "acceptable solutions" in terms of durability performance for a range of applications. This is a particularly important standard for our specialty timbers because it allows different species to be used in a range of applications from timber decking and flooring to cladding and structural applications such as beams, rafters and framing. What this experience has shown me is just how much work we need to do to allow many of our naturally durable timbers into applications they are well suited to. Because I also sit on the Specialty Wood Products Partnership technical committee, I expect to feed those requirements into formulating research that will give us the evidence of durability performance that we need for entry into future revisions of that standard. I'm also hoping for a number of new introductions into the standard this time around, based on history of use and other evidence proving suitability. Natural durability has a market, and recognition as an acceptable solution means councils can't reject our timber for that application. However, until then many architects and specifiers believe they have only one choice, treated radiata pine. Only once the standards are published will any changes I have been lobbying for come into effect. A more inclusive standard would be a sermon to preach, a message worth delivering to those who should know that natural timbers have a place in the market.

Dean Satchell
Chair, FFT

If you have a story for this newsletter, please get in touch with Dean by email.


Farm Forestry Timbers Society Incorporated, Financial Statement for 2017

Financial year 1 January 2017 - 31 December 2017

Expenses Nil
Liabilities Nil
Opening assets - cash in bank $5652.66
Income $1916.25
Total funds as at 31 December 2016 $7568.91
Income 2017
Subscriptions 20 Feb 2017 $675.00
Subscriptions 18 April 2017 $1170.00
Subscriptions 2 May 2017 $296.25
Cash deposit 19 May 2017 $100.00
Subscriptions 6 June 2017 $123.75
Subscriptions 13 June 2017 $30.00
Subscriptions 13 June 2017 $60.00
Subscriptions 16 November 2017 $293.25
Total income $2748.25
Expenses nil
Total surplus $2748.25
Assets: Cash in bank (Business Edge account 00) $10317.16
Liabilities nil
Total Funds as at 31 December 2017 $10317.16


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