Dean Satchell's blog
Spray releasing young trees with glyphosate
December 2022
I'm often been questioned about spray releasing diverse species when helping landowners with the early stages of forest establishment. Spray releasing methods for radiata pine are well established and you can spray right…
4 posts.
Diversifying our productive forests to build sector resilience
September 2022
Throughout the media one clear message prevails about planting trees and forests: Either plant pines, or plant natives. Apparently those are the only options. Forest Owners have no reason to…
2 posts.
Pastoral farming, belief and propaganda
May 2022
When I think about Ukraine's plight for freedom and the disinformation coming from the Russian propaganda machine, I am reminded of just how strong human belief is, and how easily…
Farm Forestry and transformation
March 2022
I'm watching from the sidelines as a last ditch effort unfolds to save the organisation in its current form. It's undeniably difficult to let go of something that satisfies a shrinking…
2 posts.
Natural durability, accelerated framing tests and relative durability
August 2021
The New Zealand Building Code offers three pathways for proving durability performance of materials under section B2/VM1 Durability Evaluation. These are History of Use, Similar Materials Tests and Laboratory Tests. Laboratory Tests can…
Building System Legislative Reform Programme, public consultation
April 2019
The Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) administer the building code and are proposing major changes to NZ's building laws to: increase the quality of information about building products;…
Eucalypt species selection and biological risk
July 2018
It is well known amongst eucalypt growers that the wrong species choice will result in poor tree establishment, along with poor growth and poor form. Soil fertility, soil moisture, wind…
One post
Steepland harvesting in Northland
June 2018
Innovation always interests me. Some innovations become lost to time while others become the next step in evolution and lead to greater things. Often they are just a minor tweak to the…
One post
Ringbarking as a method for thinning trees
April 2018
Radiata pine, because of a long history of genetic improvement, is often planted at stockings of less then 1000 stems per hectare. Douglas fir, on the other hand, is often…
6 posts.
Durability performance and structural timber
November 2017
Hazard class H1.2 is an indoor decay hazard, introduced in 2003 as a regulatory reaction to the leaky building syndrome. This standard applies to timber used for structural applications protected…
An export log market for "alternative" species?
November 2017
I had a call a few days back from a guy in Australia looking to source eucalypt logs. On further enquiry, he told me that he represented a big manufacturer…
2 posts.
Determinations, specialty timbers and the building code
July 2017
What do you know about "Determinations"? Well... Determinations are best described as judgements made by MBIE where disputes arise between the Building Consent Authority (BCA) and those undertaking building work. BCA's must…
One post
Eucalyptus selection for New Zealand - what is the elephant in the room?
November 2016
We each grow forest plantations for a reason. Those reasons may vary, but my primary reason is for a return on my investment. This means producing wood or fibre as fast as…
2 posts.
Modern eucalyptus sawmilling technology in Tasmania
December 2015
Whilst in Tasmania during December 2015 I had the fortuitous opportunity to visit Newood sawmill near Huonville at the invitation of mill manager Josh Turnbill. This mill was set up…
Sawing fence posts from Eucalyptus maculata
September 2015
I planted a small stand of E. maculata (Spotted gum) 21 years ago in Northland, after being really impressed with an old stand of trees that were milled by David…
3 posts.
Sustainable management or tropical rainforest destruction?
August 2015
A New Zealand delegation made up of members of the NZ Imported Tropical Timber Group, representing buyers of tropical rainforest timber, recently visited the Solomon Islands to check out supplies…
One post
Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa, my favourite durable timber species
December 2014
Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa is a class 1 durable eucalypt species that I introduced into New Zealand in the mid-1990's. I was looking for a highly durable species from the monocalyptus group…
2 posts.
Product research priorities for eucalyptus
November 2014
Scion are currently preparing an Diverse Species bid to MB on behalf of the forest industry. This is a partnership between Future Forests Research, University of Canterbury and Scion, and…
2 posts.
Gobal emissions and biofuels
October 2014
Global emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and cement production grew 2.3 percent to a record high of 36 billion tonnes CO2 in 2013. CSIRO's Dr Pep Canadell,…
Eucalyptus laevopinea for high value hardwood
May 2014
Eucalyptus laevopinea (silvertop stringybark) is a eucalyptus species that grows really fast and produces a high quality hardwood timber. It comes from the tablelands of New South Wales and is both…
6 posts.
Lost durable eucalypt trials, Northland
May 2014
Tucked away in the back-blocks of Northland are two important research trials of durable eucalypts. These trials have been abandoned by the researchers for some time, as happens repeatedly in…
Heartwood formation and eucalyptus
November 2012
Denis Hocking emailed the EAG committee with this on 26 November 2012: Hi folks, Just a note on E. longifolia. Knocked over an 18 yr old specimen yesterday hoping to get…
One post
Disclaimer: Personal views expressed in this blog are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the NZ Farm Forestry Association.