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Newsletter 66, November 2013

Newsletter 66, November 2013

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New Zealand Farm Forestry Association
P.O. Box 10349
The Terrace
Wellington 6143

Farm Forestry Newsletter
 November 2013  No. 66

In this issue


Bioenergy Association of New Zealand Conference -
Contracting to deliver quality solid biofuel to customers

Programme for NZFFA action group weekend 16/17 November 2013



Ian Jackson
-South Canterbury
-North Otago
-Sthn High Country (north)

Vice President

Dean Satchell
-Far North
-Mid North

Newsletter editor
Dean Satchell

National Executive

Angus Gordon

-Taupo & Districts
-Middle Districts
-Hawkes Bay

Neil Cullen
-Mid Otago
-South Otago
-Men of Trees
-Sthn High Country (south)

Hamish Levack
-Gisborne East Coast

Patrick Milne
-West Coast
-Central Canterbury
-North Canterbury

Peter Berg
-Lower North
-Bay of Plenty


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Your email address MUST be the address you have provided to NZFFA for your subscription (which happens to be the one this newsletter was sent to...).

If you don't have a password or can't remember it, you can get one very easily. Just follow the instructions here.

Any problems logging in then email me.

Dean Satchell

If you are receiving this e-newsletter and don't want to, please notify NZFFA by replying.


Events - Please notify head office of any branch or action group events, these are posted on the website >>
  • Gisborne/East Coast field day, 24 November - Nick and Sheryl Pollocks, Brookfield park, Muriwai.
  • Bay of Plenty, 6th December - NZ Dryland Forests Initiative - Eucalyptus Demonstration Trial & Christmas Gathering.

Forest Owner Commodity Levy will apply from 1 January 2014
The Forest Growers Levy Trust Inc (FGLT) acting on behalf of forest growers conducted a forest grower referendum in March of this year to determine whether forest growers would agree to pay a compulsory levy under the Commodity Levies Act. Under the Commodity Levy order the party identified as being responsible for paying the levy is the forest owner. In voting "yes" forest owners agreed that they will pay the levy. Forest owners will not be able to recover the levy from another party. Read more (pdf) >>

MEDIA RELEASE 1 November 2013 - Forest growers go to the polls

For more information, contact Geoff Thompson, Tel 04 499 3280

Fourteen candidates are standing for six positions on the board of the Forest Growers Levy Trust, the new body representing the interests of forest owners.

On-line voting begins on 5 November and closes on 22 November.  Anyone who owns a forest grown for eventual harvest that’s 10 or more years old and four or more hectares in area is eligible to vote for their category of representative.

Nominations closed yesterday [Thursday] and are now being verified in time for the opening of voting on Tuesday.

"Having so many well qualified nominees means we will end up with a board that is capable of providing leadership and direction in the industry,” says interim trust chair Geoff Thompson. “A healthy electoral contest also means board members will have a strong democratic mandate to make decisions on behalf of levy payers."

The main role of the levy trust board will be to manage and allocate the funds generated by a new commodity levy on forest products that begins on 1 January. The levy will be used to fund research and other activities that benefit all plantation forest growers.

Mr Thompson says the commodity levy won the overwhelming support of forest growers who voted in the Forest Voice referendum held earlier this year.

For details about the elections, biographies of candidates and to vote on-line, go to


Trevor Walton
FGLT communications
Tel 021 381 465


Diversified Species theme update September 2013 >>

Environment and Social theme update September 2013 >>

Radiata Management Theme Update September 2013 >>

Members update October 2013 >>
  • Funding decisions
  • Implications for FFR programmes
  • Future organisation of Industry R&D

Bioenergy Association of New Zealand Conference -
Contracting to deliver quality solid biofuel to customers

7 November 2013, Distinction Hotel, Rotorua

A successful wood fuel supply industry in New Zealand will rely on establishing a value chain for the delivery of a reliable supply of a quality product to the market place.

This conference is for all players in the solid biofuel value chain including wood fuel suppliers (landowners, forest owners, Maori Trusts, forest contractors and owners), and those wanting to purchase wood fuels for heat.

Certainty on quality and supply
Owners of wood fuelled heat plant are seeking greater certainty as to the quality and reliability of supply of wood fuel. Assurance of quality of fuel supply will remove a major business risk concern of heat plant owners.

This conference is about realizing additional value from farm forestry, shelter belts and plantation forestry. Currently forest harvest residues are generally left behind in the forest yet there is a growing shortage of supply of quality wood fuel in some regions.
To assist with contracting for the sale and purchase of wood fuel the Bioenergy Association (BANZ) has prepared a model wood fuel supply contract which attendees will receive copies of when they register.

This conference will be structured around the launch of the Wood Fuel Supplier Accreditation Scheme and feedback from attendees will be encouraged through the use of facilitated discussion groups.

Presentations will be based on how the use of quality systems will markedly influence wood fuel sales and heat plant owners will present on what they expect from their wood fuel suppliers.

For more information download the flier here. Registration forms at

Programme for NZFFA action group weekend 16/17 November 2013

Host branches: Farm Forestry Timbers and Middle Districts.

Saturday programme

9.30 am   
Meet at "Eastown timber products"
4 Holyoak st Wanganui east.
Topics: Timber drying, kilning, further processing.

Afternoon session
Meet at "Rob O'keefe joinery"
368 heads road Wanganui.
Topics:  What the end user really needs.
End uses and what your timber product is really worth to the joinery trade when you get it right.

Evening session
6.30 pm. Meet at the "Mothered goose cafe" cnr SH1 & Parawanui road, Bulls.
Dinner from 7pm. $35pp excl. drinks & Coffee.
Guest speaker presentation following meal.
Please could indications of meal numbers be made with Denis Hocking by Sunday  3rd November  PH 06 322 1254     email jdhocking

Sunday programme

9.30 am
Meet at Denis Hocking's property, Parawanui road, Bulls.
Topics: Turning your logs into saleable lumber.
Back to basics for sawing acacia, cypress, eucalypt, sequoia, and others.
A discussion of the issues that are relevant to each genus.
Samples of sawn timber will be displayed for comment.

Afternoon programme as time allows.
A look at the issues around the growing and harvest of the above species with an emphasis on the issues for the production of high quality sawn timber for supply to the value chain.

We will try and finish the afternoon session by 3pm Sunday for those that have to travel any distance and for the benefit of those using air travel. Those that are not time constrained will be welcome to continue their discussions with the agreement of our host.

Accommodation is available in bulls at the Bridge Motor lodge and caravan park for $30 with a block booking, and very handy to both the Saturday meal venue and Sunday field day site. Bookings to Denis Hocking by 3rd November please to guarantee a place.

Lunches: Could all attendees please bring their own lunches for both days.
Other contacts:  Angus Gordon, Ph. 06 388 1571, email

Disclaimer: Personal views expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the NZ Farm Forestry Association.

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