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Secretary: Harriet Palmer
92 Nevay Road
Karaka Bays
04 973 3077
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Tree Grower articles

  • Performance of indigenous and exotic species at Rewanui Forest Park ten years on (Access: unrestricted)
    Dean Meason, Allison Drennen and Harriet Palmer, February 2020
    The Montfort Trimble Foundation established 15 indigenous and 11 exotic tree species in Rewanui Forest Park between in 2006 and 2008. The success and failure of species, and the measurements…
  • Trees for people: The Montfort Trimble Foundation, opening the forest gate to all-comers (Access: unrestricted)
    Harriet Palmer, May 2017
    The Montfort Trimble Foundation is a Masterton-based charity. It owns two sizeable rural properties, Trimble Forest and Rewanui Forest Park, and has a public afforestation remit. From initial involvement with…
  • Some impressive native trees and Waiorongomai Station (Access: unrestricted)
    Jenny Brodie, August 2011
    Having viewed the barrage gates it was onwards toward Waiorongomai Station. On route we stopped at the entrance to the Rimutaka Forest Park. Here were featured several impressive mature native…
  • Homebush ground-durable eucalypt trial (Access: unrestricted)
    Ann Jenkins, August 2011
    On our way to the Homebush ground durable eucalypt trial we passed the earthworks of Masterton District Council’s land based sewerage system. This trial was set up on Stuart and…
  • The barrage gates (Access: unrestricted)
    Jenny Brodie, August 2011
    From Pirinoa Station, the next visit was to view the barrage gates, an integral part of the Lower Wairarapa Valley Development Scheme. Earlier in the day during lunch at the…
  • Pirinoa Station (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian Brown, August 2011
    Settlers In 1840 Charles Heaphy left Port Nicholson, and climbed through thick bush up the western slope of the Rimutaka Range. From the summit he looked down on the Wairaraka…
  • Paradise regained – the Wairio wetlands (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian Brown, August 2011
    Forests Forests were how it was when the first people came ashore. Across the ranges that border the great valley, on the rolling hill country in the east, and the…
  • Rewanui – land, trees and community encapsulated (Access: unrestricted)
    Harriet Palmer, August 2011
    On the Tuesday afternoon of the conference, the sun shone and the convoy of buses negotiated a narrow field gate and ambled across a couple of grass paddocks to bring…
  • Pukaha Mount Bruce? something very special (Access: unrestricted)
    Jane Evans, August 2011
    The Pukaha Reserve at Mt Bruce, 30 km north of Masterton, was well worth the 5.30 am wake up call. Although Pukaha means strong winds, we could not have had…
  • Castle Point Station (Access: unrestricted)
    Garth Coulter, August 2011
    ‘Land, Trees and Community’ was the theme for this conference. An alternative theme could have been ‘Join farm forestry and experience New Zealand’. I congratulate the conference committee for organising…
  • Castlepoint and trees (Access: unrestricted)
    Peter Laing, February 2010
    Castlepoint Station, like much of the Wairarapa Coast, was developed into grassland production predominantly out of scrub rather than bush. Peter Laing, manager of the Station for nearly 50 years,…
  • Woodlots in the Wairarapa (Access: unrestricted)
    Nick Bevin, February 2010
    Woodlots, planted on small areas of land retired from traditional farming, involve an increasing number of farm forestry members. Species include higher value trees managed in small coupes for timber…
  • Wairarapa land use and land cover (Access: unrestricted)
    Stan Braaksma, February 2010
    Wairarapa region is divided into three broad geographic zones – the western Tararua mountains and foothills, the central plains and lowlands and the eastern hill country. The Tararua range, running…
  • Wairarapa farm forestry (Access: unrestricted)
    Allan Levett, February 2010
    Of the 600,000 hectares in the Wairarapa there are 244,000 hectares of mudstone hills, 112,000 hectares of argillite and 125,000 hectares of steep shattered greywacke on which tree planting is…
  • The multi-purpose eucalypt trial at Makoura (Access: unrestricted)
    Don Bell, May 2009
    The Makoura Stream currently receives all the treated effluent water from the Masterton Sewage Plant. Masterton District Council has lodged a resource consent application to discharge treated effluent water to…

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