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Forest Call episode 5
Today we make a call on Climate Change, what trees can do about resisting it and how it works. Plus an interview with Murray Sherwin from NZ Productivity Commission

Today we make a call on Climate Change, what trees can do about resisting it and how it works. Plus an interview with Murray Sherwin from NZ Productivity Commission
2 posts.
Post from Dean Satchell on September 12, 2018 at 1:16PM
Post from Euan Mason on September 13, 2018 at 9:12AM
Agreed, Dean. It would be good to see a wider range of exotic species planted besides radiata pine. We would have to be careful to avoid wildings, and so placement of wilding-prone species such as Douglas fir would have to be judicious.
This is a good video.
If people are interested in why the ETS is irrational in its treatment of forestry, consider:
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