Forest Growers levy
The New Zealand Farm Forestry Association partnered with the Forest Owners Association to introduce a Forest Growers levy. From January 2014 an industry levy has been imposed on all harvested wood from New Zealand plantation forests. Currently set at 33c per tonne the levy collects around $10 million a year, which is administered by a Trust and invested in areas of research, development and promotion to further advance NZ forestry both here and overseas. The Trust website is http://www.fglt.org.nz/
Latest levy rate
The purpose of the FGLT is largely to help advance the New Zealand plantation forestry industry both domestically and internationally.
The current levy rate is 33c per tonne of harvested wood. “Harvested wood” means logs, posts, poles, forest residues, binwood, hog fuel and woodchips produced in New Zealand and sourced from a plantation forest, either exotic or native. The levy does not apply to bark sold separately, Christmas trees or domestic firewood, or production from natural native forests.
Annual Work Programme
The annual work programme covers a broad range of industry good activities. Please refer to the work programme for a full description of each project.
Forest Growers Research
Forest Growers Research (FGR) co-ordinates industry input and funding of research programmes relevant to the forest growing sector. See the website.