Trees for Erosion Control/Soil Conservation
Tree Grower Articles
- Telling better forestry stories (Access: NZFFA membership)
Michelle Harnett, August 2021
‘I don’t like radiata’ – A King Country farmer who wants to plant more trees. ‘I do not want any trees on my farm’ − a South Island farmer. ‘Farmers… - Does plantation forestry still belong on highly erodible hill country? (Access: unrestricted)
Eric Cairns, November 2018
Flood damage, widespread landslides and wood debris flows emanating from plantation forestry have made national headlines twice this year. This commentary is possibly a little late, given that Cyclone Gita… - Do not let harvesting mishaps paint a false picture of forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard, August 2018
I recently wrote an article for our branch newsletter about forests on the move. This focused on the so-called window of vulnerability, a period of about six years after a… - Were the recent North Island floods naturally occurring events? (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton, November 2015
The recent North Island floods seem to be treated as if they were naturally occurring events. Concentrated heavy rain resulted in farm damage and flooding of low lying areas, such as… - Trees for protection – native or otherwise (Access: unrestricted)
Jim Flack, May 2013
In geological terms, New Zealand is a young country and still growing. Tectonic plates grind beneath us, pushing the land upwards, while our maritime weather systems try to wear it… - Hawke’s Bay 2011 weather bomb (Access: unrestricted)
Marie Taylor, November 2012
Coastal Hawke’s Bay is still suffering the effects of last years April storms. More than 600 mm of rain in only 48 hours in late April 2011 caused massive damage… - Savage storm shreds coastal Hawke’s Bay More trees would reduce future erosion problems (Access: unrestricted)
Marie Taylor, August 2011
The massive April storm which hit coastal Hawke’s Bay in April was a wake-up call. Garth Eyles, the Napier-based land management consultant, said that people were panicking about the damage… - Use of poplars and willows for erosion control (Access: unrestricted)
Garth Eyles, November 2010
If I had to choose the ideal tree for erosion control on a hill country sheep or beef unit it would need to − Grow in the presence of the… - Gullies supply most sediment to major East Coast river systems (Access: unrestricted)
Mike Marden, August 2009
It has long been suspected that gullies have been, and continue to be, the major source of sediment in each of the three major East Coast river systems − Waipaoa,… - Understanding the way trees reduce soil erosion (Access: unrestricted)
Leith Knowles, February 2006
New Zealand loses between 200 and 300 million tonnes of soil every year to the oceans – a rate about 10 times the world average. Erosion is fairly light to… - The battle to hold the hills (Access: unrestricted)
Denis Hocking, February 2006
Erosion is an inevitable feature of the New Zealand landscape. Well it certainly has been over the last 20 million years or so when New Zealand has been pushed up… - Trees combat erosion and protect stock (Access: unrestricted)
Mike Halliday, May 2008
Continuing our series of articles profiling the farm forestry model in action. We present here a case study showing another practical example of how trees can be integrated into the…
- Report: Best practices for reducing harvest residues and mitigating mobilisation of harvest residues in steepland plantation forests
Prof. Rien Visser, with the support of: Dr. Raffaele Spinelli and Dr. Kris Brown, July 2018 (Access: unrestricted)
Plantation forestry in New Zealand covers approximately 7% of NZ’s total land area with 28 million m3 of timber expected to be harvested in 2018. The majority of timber harvest…
- Report: Trees for steep slopes
Dean Satchell, July 2018 (Access: unrestricted)
In this page: National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) Erosion mitigation practices Economics Tree species and regimes The Joint NZ Farm Forestry Association/Forest Owners Association (NZFFA/FOA) Environment committee commissioned…
Forest practice guides
The Forest Practice Guides (2018) are to assist forest owners/managers and contractors to meet legislative requirements of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and in particular the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF). They do not replace or override any statutory requirement. For various forestry operations, the guides provide options and information on a range of practices and methods to manage effects of the operations on the environment.
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Erosion and Sediment Control Measures
- 2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Water Tables
- 2.2 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Cut-outs
- 2.3 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Berms
- 2.4 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Road Drainage (Stormwater) Culverts
- 2.5 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Flumes
- 2.6 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Sediment Traps and Soak Holes
- 2.7 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Silt Fences
- 2.8 Erosion and Sediment Control Measures – Sediment Retention Ponds
Vegetation to Manage Erosion
- 5.1 Vegetation to Manage Erosion – Grassing
- 5.2 Vegetation to Manage Erosion – Hydroseeding
- 5.3 Vegetation to Manage Erosion – Mulch
- 5.4 Vegetation to Manage Erosion – Slash
Harvest Slash
Trees on Farms Videos
- Trees on Farms Videos: Trees for Soil Conservation
Sheep and beef farmers in the lower half of the North Island talk about their experience with land slips and erosion, and how they have managed to break the cycle…
See also:
- Trees for steep erosion prone land report released August 2018
A report on alternative plantation forest species is now available on the New Zealand Farm Forestry Association website detailing the characteristics of a wide variety of tree species that are… - Forest owners vow to deal with forest harvest slash June 2018
Forest Owners say the industry is focused on measures to make sure a repeat of the recent floods transporting harvest debris out of forests and into Tolaga Bay isn’t repeated… - Forest industry reputation damaged by mobilisation of forest harvest residues May 2018
The successful prosecution of a forest management company by the Marlborough District Council has been endorsed by the Forest Owners Association. Merrill and Ring has been fined $39,000 and ordered… - Forest industry backing judgment against forest companies April 2018
Forest industry associations are supporting penalties imposed in the District Court against Bay of Plenty forest owner Whitikau Holdings and two harvesting contractors. The companies pleaded guilty to charges laid… - Forest Owners urge farmers to plant more trees February 2017
Forest Owners say the new Federated Farmers' policy on climate change is a major step to help farmers understand trees are not an alternative to farming, but rather trees are… - The Land and Water Forum releases fourth report on water management November 2015
The Land and Water Forum (LWF) today published its fourth report, outlining 60 new consensus recommendations for how New Zealand should improve its management of fresh water and calling on… - Revitalising New Zealand communities through forest establishment October 2015
Using forest establishment to revitalise the environmental, social and economic health of small New Zealand communities. In 2012, Scion’s Forest Systems Team carried out an investigation into the factors causing… - Forest grant scheme will help control erosion August 2014
Forest owners say the government’s decision to reinstate the Afforestation Grant Scheme will be welcomed by farmers and regional councils fighting soil erosion in steep hill country. “In the five… - Forest owners support changes to erosion control scheme July 2014
The Forest Owners Association welcomes government changes to the scheme that funds erosion control initiatives on the East Coast. “Forestry and allowing reversion to native cover are both effective at… - Trees Healing River Catchments NZFFA Trees on Farms Workshop, 24 May 2012, Wairarapa May 2012
Press Release 2 MAY 2012 Trees Healing River Catchments NZFFA Trees on Farms Workshop 24 May 2012, Carterton Events Centre, Holloway Street, Carterton A workshop aimed at helping Wairarapa landowners take… - Poplars and Willows - Central Hawkes Bay workshop, February 2012 January 2012
A Fresh Look at Poplars and Willows Poplars and willows - they’re the arboreal workhorse of our rural landscape, holding hillsides and river banks together, providing shade, shelter, timber and… - Farm Foresters Need Certainty, Says NZFEA Trust-MAF Scolarshop Report June 2011
Long-term enterprises such as forestry need to be protected from "short-term misguided political decisions", says Bay of Plenty farmer John Mackintosh in a special report prepared for the New Zealand…
Other sources of information
- Debris Flows (Scion publication August 2017)
There are some 1.7 million hectares of planted forests in New Zealand, and about a third of these are on erodible steepland terrain. Many of these forests were originally planted as erosion control forests and are now being harvested. There is increasing concern and media attention about the environmental effects of steepland planted forestry. These centre on the post-harvest landscape response, including the increasing occurrence of woody debris in rivers and on beaches following intense rainstorms that generate landslides,and debris flows that entrain wood and sediment. - Soil Conservation: Technical Handbook
(2001) Hicks, D & Anthony, T. (eds). 2001. Ministry for the Environment. Comprehensive collection of information about soil conservation in New Zealand.
Covers the forms and processes of the main types of erosion and the main control techniques. - Plant Materials Handbook for Soil Conservation:
- Van Kraayenoord, C. W. S., Pollock, K. M., & Hathaway, R. L. (1986) Plant Materials Handbook for Soil Conservation. Vol.1 Principles and Practice. National Soil and Water Conservation Authority.
- Van Krayenoord C.W.S. (1986) Plant Materials Handbook for Soil Conservation: . Vol. 2 Introduced Plants. National Soil and Water Conservation Authority.
- Hathaway R.L. (1986) Plant Materials Handbook for Soil Conservation. Vol 3 Native Plants. National Soil and Water Conservation Authority.
- Introduced forest trees in New Zealand: Recognition, role, and seed source - The willows, Salix spp.
Van Kraayenoord, C. W. S., Slui, B., & Knowles, F. B. (1995) FRI Bulletin No.124, part 15. Rotorua: NZ Forest Research Institute. - Erosion Control - Soil series videos
Northland Regional Council - Trees suitable for soil conservation
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Land Management series - Sustainable Land Management Hill Country Erosion Programme
Ministry for Primary Industries. The Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Hill Country Erosion Programme helps protect erosion-prone hill country. It provides leadership and targeted support to regional and unitary councils. - Environmental effects of planted forests in New Zealand: The implications of continued afforestation of pasture
FRI Bulletin No. 198, Maclaren, J. P. (1996).