Trees for Bees
Many farm forestry tree species provide nectar and pollen for bees to produce honey. This may be an additional benefit from other uses like timber production, shelter, soil conservation or riparian plantings.
Trees on Farms Videos
- John and Oriel Furniss, Aharoa, Warkworth (Lower North Branch)
John and Oriel Furniss describe starting from scratch and their innovative approaches to tree planting and utilisation on their Lower North property. Trees provide income diversification and options for farm…
Tree Grower articles
- Planting trees for bees (Access: unrestricted)
Linda Newstrom-Lloyd, Tony Roper and Marco Gonzalez, February 2013
Planting trees for bees has become a topical issue in New Zealand. Security of pollination services has become a major concern for domestic and export markets and work is needed… - The way to a bee’s heart is through its stomach (Access: unrestricted)
Murray Mannall, August 2012
This is moment when real men learn to love flowers. Bees need flowers, lots of them. The nectar in the flowers contains sugars for energy, and the pollen provides protein,…
Articles and Reports
- Encouraging bee population growth is vital to New Zealand’s ecosystem
Ali Frazer, September 2018 (Access: unrestricted)
Last year, there were nearly 800,000 registered bee hives in New Zealand, a 15% increase from 2016. This is great news for us, since bees directly contribute $271 million per…
Other Sources of information
- Handbook for planting trees for bees on farms (2021)
The Handbook for Planting Trees for Bees on Farms presents basic principles and practical advice on how to plant the best pollen and nectar sources for bees. The 116-page handbook is the culmination of 10 years of field and lab research, 32 successful demonstration farms and 75,000 bee trees and shrubs planted. - The Manuka & Kanuka Plantation Guide (2017)
- Planting Promising Trees to Nourish Honey Bees
Trees for Bees New Zealand has recently shared the video footage of the Second Eastwoodhill Trees for Bees 2014 Conference. A four hour online resource, it is full of information on bees and beekeeping in New Zealand, research at Eastwoodhill on high-protein pollen sources plus many presentations on how planting choices can help improve the health of bees. Click here for video footage from the Second Eastwoodhill Tree for Bees Conference 2014. - Trees for Bees
See the Trees for Bees website for on-line resources