Guava (myrtle) rust in South Africa
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Formerly known as the Forest Research Institute, Scion has been a leader in research relating to forest health for over 50 years. The Rotorua-based Crown Research Institute continues to provide science that will protect all forests from damage caused by insect pests, pathogens and weeds. The information presented below arises from these research activities.
From Forest Health News 238, July 2013.
The December 2010 issue of FH News reported the presence of this serious rust fungus (Puccinia psidii) in Australia and speculated on its possible arrival in New Zealand. The same article also mentioned an unconfirmed report of its presence in South Africa. In May 2013 it was found on an ornamental Myrtus communis in the KwaZulu province of South Africa. The plant was showing typical
symptoms and its identity was confirmed by molecular and morphological techniques. This is the first record of this rust from Africa.
For further information see Roux et al, IMA Fungus 4: 155-159 (doi: 10.5598/imafungus.2013.04.01.14).
John Bain
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(Scion is the trading name of the New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited.)