Armillaria root disease

- Armillaria root disease
Forest Pathology in New Zealand No. 4. Revised 2008 (I.A. Hood) Based on J.B. van der Pas, I.A. Hood and M. MacKenzie (1983) Causal organisms Armillaria limonea (G. Stevenson) Boesewinkel…
- Root rot caused by Armillaria spp.
From Scion publication Forest Research Bulletin 220, An Introduction to The Diseases of Forest and Amenity Trees in New Zealand, G.S.Ridley and M.A. Dick 2001. Species: Armillaria limonea and A. novae-zelandiae (Basidiomycete)…
- Armillaria root disease of Pinus radiata in New Zealand
Basidiospore dispersal Invasion and host reaction Influence of thinning and pruning Assessment of stand infection Stand assessment using aerial photography Growth loss
- A biological control for armillaria root disease?
From Forest Heallth News 245, March 2015 Armillaria species are found naturally in indigenous forests where they generally occur as harmless wood decay fungi. However, in exotic pine stands some…
- Resinosis on Agathis australis (Kauri)
From Forest Health News 201, December 2009. Resinosis at base of kauri In October 2009 Scion silvicultularist Greg Steward noted severe resin bleed around the base of a number of…
- Armillaria and Gastrodia...
From Forest Health News 146, November 2004. Visitors to pine plantations during summer may sometimes recognise the flowering stalks of the native orchid Gastrodia cunninghamii, or huperei, scattered generally across the forest floor.…
- Armillaria spore dispersal
From Forest Health News 142, July 2004. Armillaria root disease is widespread throughout New Zealand in pine forests and kiwifruit orchards, and in trees in parks, home gardens, and riparian zones (FHNews…
- Armillaria hunnulea in New Zealand
From Forest Health News 142, July 2004. Armillaria hinnulea was described as a new species in 1983 based on 39 collections: 33 from Tasmania, five from Victoria, and one from the…
- Armillaria - the cause of resin soaking degrade in Pinus radiata?
From Forest Health News 115, February 2002. Potentially high value pruned butt logs from certain forests on clay soils in warmer parts of the North Island are currently being down-graded in value…
- Armillaria root rot - not just a forest disease
From Forest Health News 88, August 1999. The root rot pathogen Armillaria novaezealandiae is not commonly encountered on the Canterbury plains. However Hagley Park, located in the heart of Christchurch, does…
- Armillaria and Trichoderma
From Forest Health News 85, May 1999. Recent coverage in the Christchurch Press (8 April) and on television has brought the problem of Armillaria root disease in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens…
- Armillaria species distribution in the South Island
From Forest Health News No. 42, May 1995. In 1988 lan Hood published a map of Armillaria distribution based on records held at NZ FRI. This data consisted primarily of…
- Armillaria variability and control
From Forest health News No. 21, June 1993. Armillaria variability: In January 1990 an Armillaria trial was established in a stand of 5-year-old P. radiata in Cpt 365, Kaingaroa Forest,…
Farm Forestry - Headlines
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- Update to the Forest Owners Association Road Engineering Manual: Forest Road Design for HPMVs.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
The NZFOA/NZFFA Transport and Logistics committee is pleased to announce the release of a new appendix to the New Zealand Forest Owners Road Engineering Manual, titled Forest Roads for High…
- Emissions Trading Scheme fee review a relief for cost-struck foresters
Thursday, February 29, 2024
The New Zealand Forest Owners Association says the review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) fees is a relief for foresters facing excessive costs and loss of climate change action. …
- Planting trees on pasture can have a positive impact on soil health
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Rather than damaging soil in New Zealand, planting trees on pasture restores soil to be similar to its original condition. A recent news story highlighting changes in soils from converting…
- Forest plantation soils have benefits too
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association (FOA) says the fact that soils under plantation forests are similar to soils under native trees, does not make them damaged, as a recent Newshub report has claimed.…
- Wilding Conifers - A legacy issue that needs continued, collaborative management
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Forest owners welcome the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s (PCE) acknowledgement that the presence of wilding conifers across New Zealand is largely a legacy issue, but caution against placing costs…
- Stock take of the commercially viable alternatives to Pinus radiata
Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Scion has published a “Stock Take of the Commercially Viable Alternatives to Pinus Radiata” for MPI, which reviews alternative species, their expected growth rates, climatic range, resilience to pests or…
- SNA regulations 'confusing ecological naivety'
Thursday, July 06, 2023
Forest Owners say the just released National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) is a classic bureaucratic formula of confusing ecological naivety which will not help rare species and likely…
- Primary sector leadership not addressing economics as the real climate change issue
Tuesday, July 04, 2023
The immediate past president of the Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) says the leaders of the primary sector and government are ineffectively tinkering with lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Graham West says the…
- Forest Owners hail ‘Biosecurity Hero’
Monday, May 22, 2023
The Forest Owners Association and Scion want more people to report suspicious imported wood products which might be infested with introduced wood and forest pests. FOA Biosecurity Manager, Brendan Gould,…
- Ministerial inquiry could have widespread implications for Tairawhiti community
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The New Zealand Institute of Forestry says the just announced Tairawhiti land use inquiry is recommending measures which will stop the very activities which are vital for the region’s recovery.…
- Tairawhiti land use inquiry not addressing wider issues
Sunday, May 14, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the Ministerial Inquiry into landuse in Tarawhiti has a core of practical recommendations, but has not addressed some more difficult and fundamental issues. President, Grant…
- Forest Owners say carbon-only forestry should be kept off productive land
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association would like to see production forestry and farming on productive land – rather than this land used for carbon-only forests. It says this should be a…
- Opportunities from Trees Workshops - NZ Wide
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) is running 18 extension workshops in May and June with a target audience of landowners, or people with access to land, who are potential tree…
- Forest Owners back more trees for Tairawhiti
Sunday, April 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Association has told the Ministerial Inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti, that the region’s future has to include more trees for land stability. But it appreciates forest…
- Small scale woodlot owners have their say in Tairawhiti Land use Inquiry
Sunday, April 02, 2023
he outgoing President of the Farm Forestry Association says it has been vital for farm foresters to directly address the Ministerial Inquiry into forestry and other land use in Tairāwhiti.…
- Future forests need to be multifunctional to meet climate change in Tairawhiti
Thursday, March 16, 2023
The Farm Forestry Association says the just convened Ministerial Inquiry, into land-use across Tairāwhiti, needs to look closely at the tree options for shoring up vulnerable farm and former forest land in…
- Hill country farming campaign shows they think climate change is someone else’s problem
Thursday, March 09, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the latest campaign against forestry, led by Beef+Lamb New Zealand and 50 Shades of Green, is climate change responsibility denial, and is dangerous in the…
- Forest Owners says two months too brief to look into the complex land issues in Tairawhiti.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the two month long inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti doesn’t give enough time or depth to find solutions. The Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins has…
- Forest Owners want genetic technology approved
Thursday, February 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Organisation says New Zealand needs to concentrate on the safety of genetic technology on a case-by-case basis rather than persisting with blanket bans. The FOA wants approval…
- Fieldays Forestry Hub to demonstrate that forestry is a solution
Monday, November 28, 2022
A range of solutions to farmers’ current problems will be on display in the Fieldays Forestry Hub near Hamilton between 30 November and 3 December, says Farm Forestry Association president,…