Keeping an eye on the health of your foliage
June, 2015.Scion seeks input from farm foresters around New Zealand to help in the fight against red needle cast and other foliar diseases.
Red needle cast has posed a threat to the health of radiata pine stands around the country since it became established in the Gisborne region in 2008. At that time, the disease was unknown to New Zealand, and was identified as a Phytophthora species through the work of Scion scientists. Further Scion-led research has determined that infected trees can recover from the defoliation and productivity reductions associated with the disease, and that it is not a threat to our export markets as it cannot be spread via log movement. However, as red needle cast has rapidly spread to most regions of New Zealand, tracking the incidence of outbreaks, and the associated damage, is still vitally important. Scion is engaged in a programme to follow the development of red needle cast across New Zealand throughout 2015, and is asking forest owners to report any suspected cases of the disease. More information regarding this effort and how to get involved is provided in Forest Health News bulletin No. 256, which can be accessed here >>