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Painted apple moth, Teia anartoides

Following advice from the Technical Advisory Group, painted apple moth (Teia anartoides), was formally declared eradicated from New Zealand on 20 March 2006. A surveillance trapping programme continued around sites at which males were trapped during 2005 and 2006 (found to be likely Australian ‘hitchhikers’) has continued during the 2006 and in the first part of 2007. No further moths have been trapped.

The painted apple moth surveillance programme has been closed by the end of April 2007 with all moth breeding colonies, used to produce virgin females for surveillance purposes) or sterile male moths, destroyed. These activities practically denoted the end of the programme that started with PAM detection in parts of Auckland in 1999.

  • Painted apple moth eradicated
    From Forest Health News 160, March 2006. On 20 March the Ministry of Biosecurity New Zealand officially declared the West Auckland and Mt Wellington populations of the painted apple moth…
  • PAM's days are numbered
    From Forest Health News 139, April 2004. In 2002, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) launched a comprehensive programme targeting the population of painted apple moth (Teia anartoides ) which had taken…
  • PAM eradication programme
    From Forest Health News 128, April 2003. MAF has been managing an eradication programme for painted apple moth (Teia anartoides ) from the time of the initial detection in Glendene, Auckland, on…
  • Painted Apple Moth (Teia anartoides)
    From Biosecurity 43, May 2003. The core painted apple moth (PAM) zone has been progressively reduced from an area of 8,500 hectares and is currently (at mid-April) about 6,600 hectares.…
  • Painted apple moth: Aerial strategy paying off
    From Biosecurity 41, February 2003. The BK117 helicopter on a mission to attack the hard-to-get spots of dense vegetation After five completed sprays of the extended painted apple moth zone,…
  • Technology aids painted apple moth eradication programme
    From Forest Health News 116, March 2002. Most readers of Forest Health News will know of the current aerial spraying programme being conducted in west Auckland by the Ministry of Agriculture and…
  • BTK (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki)
    From Forest Health News 116, March 2002. The aerial spraying campaign to eradicate painted apple moth from Auckland using Btk is now underway, so it is timely to recall the nature and…
  • Painted apple moth eradication programme gearing up
    from Biosecurity Issue 32, December 2001. MAF Biosecurity continues to pursue the eradication of painted apple moth from the suburbs of Auckland. Where is it? Painted apple moth (PAM) was…
  • Rearing painted apple moth
    From Forest Health News 112, October 2001. A colony of the painted apple moth (Teia anartoides) has been established in the quarantine facility at Forest Research since the end of May. Its…
  • Painted apple moth report released
    From Biosecurity Issue 29, August 2001. MAF has been praised for its quick response to the recommendations in a review of its painted apple moth (PAM) control programme. In May…
  • Synthetic pheromone to help in painted apple moth programme
    From Biosecurity Issue 24, December 2000. Painted apple moth, an Australian pest first found in Auckland last year, is the focus for intensive monitoring and control work by MAF. Development…
  • Latest survey unearths only one painted apple moth site
    From Biosecurity Issue 21, August 2000. MAF is continuing its response to the incursion of painted apple moth (Teia anartoides) in Auckland, first detected 15 months ago. Following a range…
  • Painted apple moth: a personal view
    From Forest Health News 91, November 1999. I note with interest the painted apple moth update (FHNews 90: 1, Oct 1999}. MAFs stated goal of eradication is hardly consistent with…
  • Painted apple moth update
    From Forest Health News No. 90, October 1999. The second discovery of Teia anartoides caterpillars (painted apple moth) on a residential property in the Auckland suburb of Panmure was reported by…
  • The painted apple moth - Teia anartoides (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Auckland
    From Forest Health News 85, May 1999. On 5 May 1999 the Forest Health Reference Laboratory, Forest Research, was notified of the presence of Teia anartoides in Glendene, Auckland. A member…


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