Phylacteophaga froggatti, Eucalyptus sawfly
- Phylacteophaga froggatti, Eucalyptus leaf-blister sawfly
Forest and Timber Insects in New Zealand No. 64: Eucalyptus leaf mining sawfly. Revised 2009 Based on M.K. Kay (1986) Insect: Phylacteophaga froggatti Riek (Hymenoptera: Pergidae) Fig. 1 - Mines and…
- Phylacteophaga froggatti - still moving southwards
From Forest Health News 203, March 2010. The Australian eucalyptus leaf mining sawfly was first found in New Zealand near Auckland Airport in March 1985. By the end of 1986…
What's happening in Forest Health June/July 1991
Bracon phylacteophagus has been recovered from Dargaville, Kaikohe and Maungatapere in Northland, from Manurewa and Murrays Bay in Auckland, and from Tokoroa and a site 20 km west of Te Kuiti.
Forest Health News No. 3, October 1991
In September, Eucalyptus Sawfly was reported to be well established in New Plymouth without its parasite. Picton remains negative after 9 eucalypt trees were destroyed, keeping the mainland free.
Dave Kershaw
Forest Health News No. 6, February 1992
Bracon phylacteophagus is now established in New Plymouth. The parasitoid was introduced into New Plymouth in October 1991 by FHO Brent Rogan who collected Bracon infested leaves from Palmerston North and taped these leaves to sawfly infested trees in New Plymouth. In the north was found in 36 out of 37 sawfly mines examined from the area.
Bill Faulds
Forest Health News No. 12, August 1992
Sawfly in Christchurch
The eucalyptus leaf-mining sawfly is now in Christchurch. In August, active mines were found at two sites approximately 2 km apart. One of these sites is a 1-2ha block of mixed Eucalyptus spp. of a firewood demonstration area in a nursery at Templeton. The other site is a 0.25 ha plantation of Eucalyptus spp. The Bracon parasitoid will be introduced into these areas this summer.
Bill Faulds
Forest Health News No. 14, October 1992
The Eucalyptus sawfly Disease Advisory Committee has recommended that in view of the establishment of Phylacteophaga froggattii in Picton and Christchurch, the status of the South Island as a 'saw-fly-free area" be revoked. The Bracon parasitoid will be released in Christchurch this summer.
Peter Gadgil
Forest Health News No. 49, February 1996
Mines of the Eucalyptus leaf mining sawfly ( Phylacteophaga froggatti) were found by FHO's in Centennial Park, Timaru on 11 January 1996. A further sample of mines from this location contained cocoons of the introduced parasite Bracon phylacteophagus . The nearest previous record of sawfly to Timaru is in the Christchurch area. Sawfly can become established in new localities when adults are accidentally transported into the area in or on motor vehicles. In this case however, the presence of the parasite probably means that a live tree with sawfly mines was brought into Timaru from a sawfly infested area. Because the parasite is present sawfly populations in Timaru should remain low and spread should be slow.
Bill Faulds, NZ FRI