Dicranosterna semipunctata, blackwood tortoise beetle
Dicranosterna semipunctata, tortoise beetle pest of Tasmanian Blackwood in New Zealand
Dicranosterna semipunctata, the blackwood tortoise beetle. Adult.
Dicranosterna semipunctata , the Blackwood tortoise beetle, eats blackwood foliage through summer
Blackwood tortoise beetle larvae and eggs
- Dicranosterna semipunctata now in the South Island
From Forest Health News 229, October 2012. Dicranosterna semipunctata (Chrysomelidae), the blackwood tortoise beetle, is an Australian species that was first found in New Zealand at Remuera, Auckland in April… - New biological control agent for Acacia tortoise beetle?
From Forest Health News No. 195, May/June 2009. In January 2009 a wasp was detected parasitising the eggs of the Acacia tortoise beetle, Dicranosterna semipunctata, in Rotorua. This beetle is… - Dicranosterna semipunctata - where is it these days?
From Forest Health News 201, December 2009. Dicranosterna semipunctata eggs on blackwood (Photo courtesty of D. Satchell) Dicranosterna semipunctata, the blackwood tortoise beetle, is an Australian species that was first found… - Dicranosterna on blackwood - research into biocontrol
From Forest Health News No. 105, March 2001. Over the last few years the introduced Australian beetle Dicranosterna semipunctata has been causing moderate defoliation of plantations throughout the greater Auckland… - New chrysomelid on Acacia melanoxylon
From Forest Health News 53, June 1996. This has been identified, by Chris Reid, James Cook University, Queensland, at a cost of AU$200 (how many new introductions can we afford?),…
See also Cleobora mellyi, the Southern ladybird