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Manuka and Kanuka

Tree Grower articles

  • Manuka – a rapidly growing industry (Access: unrestricted)
    Stuart Orme, February 2017
    There was a time when the government paid farmers to clear manuka from their land. This article aims to help unravel some of the issues surrounding the source of New…
  • Growing manuka for farm foresters and other small-scale foresters (Access: unrestricted)
    Julian Bateson, May 2014
    Manuka is an excellent coloniser of bare ground. As a result, for many years it was thought of as a weed on agricultural land as the plants started the first…

Articles and Reports

  • Report: Trees for steep slopes - manuka
    Dean Satchell, July 2018 (Access: unrestricted)
    Mānuka is not a plantation forestry species for timber, but there is considerable interest in plantations for producing honey. There has been international acceptance of the medicinal properties of mānuka honey,…

Other sources of information

The manuka and kanuka plantation guide (pdf 10.2mb)
April 2017


Farm Forestry - Headlines

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