Temperature - Moderate (12-14°C)
- Acacia - Blackwood
- Cedar - Japanese cedar
- Cedar - Himalayan cedar
- Cypress - Lusitanica
- Cypress - Macrocarpa
- Eucalyptus - Mountain ash
- Fir - Grand fir
- Indigenous species - Totara
- Indigenous species - Kahikatea
- Poplar - Kawa poplar
- Poplar - Veronese poplar
- Pine - Radiata pine
- Redwood - Coast redwood
- Willow - Moutere willow
- Willow - Tangoio willow
- Pine - Norfolk Island pine
- Eucalyptus - White stringybark

A moderate climate doesn't have many extremes of hot or cold. Frosts are not too hard and when snowfall occurs it tends to be light. Any maritime influence is limited so humidity isn't too high.