Rainfall - High rainfall (>1250mm )
- Acacia - Blackwood
- Cedar - Japanese cedar
- Cypress - Lusitanica
- Eucalyptus - Mountain ash
- Fir - Douglas fir
- Fir - Grand fir
- Larch - European larch
- Larch - Japanese larch
- Indigenous species - Totara
- Indigenous species - Kahikatea
- Indigenous species - Red beech
- Indigenous species - Silver beech
- Poplar - Kawa poplar
- Poplar - Veronese poplar
- Pine - Radiata pine
- Redwood - Coast redwood
- Willow - Moutere willow
- Willow - Tangoio willow
- Pine - Norfolk Island pine

High rainfall means that prolonged droughts are rare and drought is unlikely to impact on growth of trees. Be aware that soil depth and soil drainage also affect soil moisture levels and therefore selection of species.