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Trees on Farms videos featuring poplars and willows

  • Peter and Nikki Davies-Colley, Titoki, Northland branch
    On this 300-hectare sheep, cattle and forestry property, a whole-farm approach is taken - trees are only planted on land too steep or difficult to cultivate. Poplars are planted to…
  • Tim Orlando Reep, Huntly, Waikato branch
    Trees in this high-rainfall area of the Waikato have been planted on the steeper slopes. Tim farms cattle and has learnt ways of integrating trees with them, and also maximising…
  • Kyle and Madelein Brennan, Reporoa, Taupo branch
    90-hectare rolling dairy farm on pumice country milking 230 friesian cows. Natives and other amenity trees are planted in wet gullies and riparian zones. Steeper sidlings are planted with high-value…
  • Victor Clark, Reporoa, Taupo branch
    Victor farms deer, sheep and cattle on this steep property. Poplars provide cover in grazing areas and reduce stress, and improve management overall for the deer in particular; large areas…
  • Murray Peat, King Country (Taranaki branch)
    Murray farms a 300 ha steep to rolling drystock King Country farm with highly erodible soils. Plantings are predominantly eucalypts; also range of poplars, blackwoods and some pine. High-value species…
  • Clare and Terry Gavin, Murchison, Nelson branch
    Claire and Terry Gavin have a specialty timber farm forestry property near Murchison. Species established include cypresses C ovensii and C macrocarpa; also poplar, and redwoods are grown on stoney…
  • Chris Dawkins, The Pyramid, Waihopai Valley, Marlborough branch
    This is a 450 ha dryland sheep and cattle property, of which 60 ha is in trees. Timber, shade, shelter, soil conservation and amenity all feature in the objectives. 80%…
  • Warren Smith, Greymouth, West Coast branch
    Warren Smith and wife Marion own two farms - a sheep and beef property which has been in the family for many years, plus a newer dairy block. Warren is…
  • Jack Davidson, Aharua Valley, Hokitika, West Coast branch
    This small West Coast grazing and forestry block features a wide range of species including radiata pine, cypresses, eucalypts including ground-durable eucalypts, blackwoods, and poplars. Willows and poplar are grown…
  • John Prebble, Mount Blue, North Otago Branch
    In the 26 years the Prebbles have farmed at Mt Blue, they have established over 30 ha of mixed-species woodlots and shelter belts. Shelter has improved lamb survival; also pasture…
  • Bill Wise, Balclutha, South Otago branch
    Bill Wise has been planting trees for timber and shelter on his sheep and beef farm for 50 years on poorer, gorse-infested areas. He is now into the second rotation…
  • Dennis Larsen, Clutha, South Otago branch
    Dennis Larsen describes his large-scale sheep and beef unit in South Otago. trees were originally planted for erosion control, shade and shelter, and then timber production - some 92 hectares…

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