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Trees on Farms videos featuring indigenous species

  • Doug Lane, Kaeo, Northland branch
    On this award-winning property plantings are for timber, aesthetics and to create a pleasant working environment. Trees planted on land that was marginal for stock have made stock management much…
  • Peter and Pam Kelly, Dargaville, Northland branch
    This 300-hectare exposed dry coastal sand country is used for intensive beef production.40 ha of the worst land is in production forestry; 4-5 ha in shelter and amenity plantings have…
  • Kyle and Madelein Brennan, Reporoa, Taupo branch
    90-hectare rolling dairy farm on pumice country milking 230 friesian cows. Natives and other amenity trees are planted in wet gullies and riparian zones. Steeper sidlings are planted with high-value…
  • Barry Tatham, Piopio, King Country, Waitomo branch
    On this King Country farm, trees enable better stock management and improved cattle and sheep production on unplanted land.Trees also provide habitat for wildlife, improved water quality and secure water…
  • Alec Olsen, Valhalla, Hawkes Bay branch
    Trees play a big part on Alec's 300-hectare drystock rolling hill country property. Alec describes how his plantings bring multiple benefits including erosion control, shade, shelter, water quality, biodiversity, aesthetics…
  • Victor and Christiana McIntyre, Waitui, Taranaki branch
    The McIntyre's Taranaki dairy farm has highly erodible soils. Plantings are on steeper land to control erosion, improve water quality (Clean Stream Accord), for shade and shelter benefits, and for…
  • Clare and Terry Gavin, Murchison, Nelson branch
    Claire and Terry Gavin have a specialty timber farm forestry property near Murchison. Species established include cypresses C ovensii and C macrocarpa; also poplar, and redwoods are grown on stoney…
  • Brent and Caralyn Morrison, Rai Valley, Nelson branch
    Dairy farmers Brent and Caralyn Morrison on their 270 ha dairy farm which includes 50ha forestry and 40 ha native bush. Riparian zones and gullies fenced and planted; species include…
  • Warren Smith, Greymouth, West Coast branch
    Warren Smith and wife Marion own two farms - a sheep and beef property which has been in the family for many years, plus a newer dairy block. Warren is…
  • Gary Dennison, Waimate, South Canterbury branch
    This hill block includes radiata pine and Douglas fir planted for investment and native species to enhance a walkway up to the Waimate white horse. Wetlands are also being developed,…
  • Peter Winter, Ashburton branch
    This 220 hectare irrigated Canterbury plains farm is a specialist cropping and finishing property. Two-row, two species shelter plantings have been established with soil conservation a priority; however irrigation has…

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