See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2019 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2019
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
The world needs forests, forests need forest owners and forest owners need to support each other. This was more or less Prince Charles’s message relayed by his head forester, Geraint Richards, at… -
Getting more out of your radiata pine woodlot Mid-rotation fertiliser use (Access: unrestricted)
Graham Coker and Harriet Palmer
Owners of small forests who grow radiata pine stand to benefit from levy-funded research into tree nutrient balances and the cost-effectiveness of applying fertiliser at different times throughout a rotation. The research… -
The Dryland Forests Initiative enters a new phase (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen and Harriet Palmer
The NZ Drylands Forest Initiative has released its new strategic plan. Since 2008, they have been working towards the vision of developing sustainable regional hardwood industries based on eucalypts which produce highly durable… -
Selection harvesting of radiata pine (Access: unrestricted)
John Wardle
Judging by the number of articles which have appeared in the February and May issues of the Tree Grower, there is obviously a certain amount of interest in selective harvesting… -
Continuous cover forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Rachel Rose
There is a lot of erosion prone land in the Manawatu-Whanganui region, plenty of existing forestry and like other parts of the country, growing and organised opposition to the conversion… -
Search and destroy: Managing the wilding pine problem (Access: unrestricted)
Michelle Harnett
Wilding pines are unplanned and unwanted. Wildings from windblown seeds from early forestry, shelterbelt and farm plantings are invading neighbouring ecosystems. The area affected by wilding pines in New Zealand… -
New possible structures and representation (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
This article is part of a presentation made at the NZFFA conference in Rotorua in May this year. There is a general feeling that we, and all other owners of… -
Partnership programme for long-term success (Access: unrestricted)
Julie Collins
The vision for the One Billion Trees Programme is to transform New Zealand to improve the economic performance of our regions, the social and cultural outcomes for people and the… -
Piloting the aggregation of small forests (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
Many small forests generate disappointing returns which put their owners off replanting and foster the idea that small-scale forestry is uneconomic. It has been happening for a long time. In… -
Totara industry pilot project: A fresh look at a familiar Northland species (Access: unrestricted)
Greg Steward and Paul Quinlan
A mosaic of totara Podocarpus totara and grazed pasture is a feature of the Northland landscape. There has been an increased awareness of these stands in recent years as well… -
Change with the times for insurance (Access: unrestricted)
Tiffany Robertson
Insurance is an ever-changing environment as new products become available and legal changes are introduced or amended. It is important to ensure your insurance is keeping up with these changes.… -
The time for extended rotations has arrived (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orm
Before corporatisation and the reshuffle of the Forest Service the rotation ages for trees in Kaiangoroa Forest often hit 70 years. With the sale of forests to companies which needed…