See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2014 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2014
Forest biosecurity committee (Access: unrestricted)
Bill Dyck
With over 1,000 pests and pathogens worldwide which can attack radiata pine, and thousands more that can affect other New Zealand plantation species, it is critical that the forestry sector… -
New harvesting technology for a safer future - Challenges of harvesting steep land (Access: unrestricted)
Keith Raymond
The large areas of forest planted in the 1990s, now aged 15 to 21 years, are expected to reach harvesting age from 2018 onwards. As harvesting increasingly moves into these… -
The CutoverCam hauler (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Milliken
The CutoverCam is a new hauler system which provides improved vision of the working area for the hauler operator. It helps to improve safety and increase productivity by giving the… -
Keeping forest workers safe from harm (Access: unrestricted)
Kyle Ralfe
Moutere Logging Ltd, a forest harvesting contracting business, has a simple philosophy − if our people are not in harm’s way, they cannot be hurt. Removing workers from hazardous tasks… -
Planting in riparian zones (Access: unrestricted)
Andrea Ravenscroft
The importance of riparian zones has come under focus recently as the state of freshwater quality in our streams and rivers is declining in many areas. Rural streams where banks… -
Queen Charlotte Sound conference 2014 field day (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard
For 80 conference attendees, the boat trip out on to Queen Charlotte Sound was going to be a highlight. So there was relief that the forecast of fairly dire weather… -
Alternative species research five years on (Access: unrestricted)
Heidi Dungey, Greg Steward and Patrick Milne
The last five years have seen significant progress in assessing the commercial potential of a number of alternative forest tree species. The Diversified Species research programme, one of several in… -
Blowing in the wind – trees on the Coromandel (Access: unrestricted)
Jeanette Fitzsimons
There have been a few severe storms in the past year and the aim is to get some accounts of the damage to trees and forests from these storms as… -
United Forestry Group - Is this a better deal for small-scale forest owners when they harvest? (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
The United Forestry Group was launched as a new company on 21 August. I was invited to the press briefing and the company launch in Wellington and had the opportunity… -
Winner of Indigenous Timber Showcase Award 2014 - Evans family home (Access: unrestricted)
Michael O’Sullivan
The NZFFA is the lead sponsor, along with support from Indigenous Forest Section and the Neil Barr Foundation, of the Indigenous Timber Showcase Award. This is part of the NZ… -
The need for fuel wood (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
On a recent cruise we visited several countries in the Middle East including India and Egypt. As a forester I was well aware of the absence of trees but very… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Jackson
Forest policy not important in the current government The National government has once again signalled that forestry and forest policy is not important. In doing this, they are ignoring the…