See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2013 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2013
Blackwood Milling (Access: unrestricted)
Malcolm Mackenzie
I attempted to be a little more scientific when we did our third small milling of Tasmanian blackwood timber this year. I wanted to calculate the conversion of log volume… -
Collective blackwood marketing (Access: unrestricted)
Malcolm Mackenzie
I am keen to respond to the excellent ‘From the Patron’ in the August Tree Grower and hopefully stimulate a wide-ranging discussion among fellow members. I agree with Wink Sutton… -
After the harvest (Access: unrestricted)
Graeme Flett
Congratulations. You have waited a long time for your harvest, but before you go off to spend the profits there are some things to consider. The first is what the… -
Post-harvest planting (Access: unrestricted)
Geoff Brann
When it comes to replanting after a forest harvesting, I can comment on our experience in the Bay of Plenty. Other areas will have different weeds and problems to deal… -
Forest Stewardship Council certification (Access: unrestricted)
Rhys Millar
FSC certification has been around for some time, but the involvement of owners of small forests in FSC certification has been on a bit of a back-burner. Ten years ago… -
Forest certification What is involved for you? (Access: unrestricted)
Kit Richards
The preceding article on this topic has covered much of the background to the development of Forest Stewardship Council in New Zealand, and of the New Zealand FSC standard. This… -
Willows and poplars for drought mitigation (Access: unrestricted)
Trevor Jones and Ian McIvor
This article, on using willow and poplar for animal feed in a drought, complements the article in the August issue of Tree Grower. The subject is not new but the… -
Adding value to specialty timber (Access: unrestricted)
Peter King
In my experience, tree growers are usually interested in the characteristics of finished timbers and the uses they are currently put to. The higher the demand, the higher the market… -
Re-manufacturing radiata pine from woodlots (Access: unrestricted)
Tom Boon
Re-manufactured radiata pine products are of a higher quality than can be achieved with solid radiata pine. They compete with similar products manufactured from hardwoods or slow grown, more stable… -
Blackwood – A Tasmanian perspective It could be good news for New Zealand (Access: unrestricted)
Gordon Bradbury
Since writing about blackwood production in Tasmania for the Tree Grower back in August 2006 things have gone from bad to worse. The global financial crisis and two more forestry… -
Insure your trees and help benefit the NZFFA (Access: unrestricted)
Jo McIntosh
Insuring trees is often overlooked, but standing timber can play an important role in the income of many farmers. It seems an anomaly that farm foresters more frequently choose to… -
Radiata pine not Pinus radiata (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
When I first joined forestry in the late fifties, radiata pine was regularly called either insignis pine or by its botanical name, Pinus insignis. It was not uncommon for the… -
Canterbury’s big wind causes severe tree damage (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard
The night of September 10 was one which many tree growers in north Canterbury will never forget. I returned to my home in Loburn, just north of Rangiora, at around… -
The durability of robinia - Will young trees be suitable for posts? (Access: unrestricted)
Dave Page, Nick Ledgard and Tripti Singh
Can young robinia be used as naturally durable posts with confidence? This article looks at whether they have greater durability than preservative-treated posts, and how length of growing time affects… -
A new name for macrocarpa, and for quite a few others? (Access: unrestricted)
Derrick Rooney
Recent developments in molecular and DNA science have led to significant advances in medical research and in the understanding of many genetic disorders in humans. They have also resulted in… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Jackson
Greetings, as we move into another farming season with the rural economy robust and the weather favourable. Export log markets continue their solid run.Yet another year is drawing to a…