See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2007 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2007
Forest residues for bioenergy (Access: unrestricted)
Peter Hall
After forest harvesting there is inevitably material left behind that is not suitable for selling as logs. Rather than leave this to rot, there are a number of ways in… -
Hot tips for fire readiness (Access: unrestricted)
Vivienne McLean
With the headlines dominated by the Californian wild fires at the start of our fire season, rural fire prevention has assumed an even sharper focus than usual. David Hammond, the… -
Everyone likes larches (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard
Everyone likes larches. As a tall deciduous tree with attractive autumn yellows and spring greens, it can be very eye-catching. It is a favourite of my wife’s, and in our… -
Whatever happened to Paulownia? (Access: unrestricted)
Rod Laurence
Back in the 1990s, Paulownia was hot. A quick growing hardwood tree that originates in China, Paulownia timber has been highly valued in China and Japan for centuries and trees… -
Where is poplar and willow research going? (Access: unrestricted)
Ian McIvor
New Zealand has developed unique and innovative systems for using poplars in soil conservation on slopes which continue to impress overseas visitors. The need to stabilise our hill country has… -
Totara – Northland’s farm forests of the future (Access: unrestricted)
Helen Moodie, Paul Quinlan, David Bergin and Chris Kennedy
Introducing the vision, activities, objectives and profile of the Northland Totara Working Group. It may be hard for people outside Northland to imagine, but totara are so vigorous and abundant… -
Short rotation coppice willow as low carbon bioenergy farming (Access: unrestricted)
Ian McIvor
Bioenergy is not new. Before the invention of the steam engine and internal combustion engine society was dependent on horsepower of a different kind − the real horsepower. Horses needed biofuel…