See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2006 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2006
Ground durable eucalypts for vineyard posts (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen
This article provides an update on research being undertaken in Marlborough to identify eucalypt species suitable for short rotation production of ground durable roundwood – timber which would be suitable… -
Biofuel from biomass – a future opportunity? (Access: unrestricted)
Rick Swan
Apart from a brief respite in the price of oil in recent months, the price has generally been escalating. There is reason to believe that peak oil production has been… -
The environmental benefits of forestry and wood use (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
As all of us in the forestry sector know, maturing plantations are carbon sinks and remain as carbon reservoirs when harvesting begins, provided the plantation continues to be sustainably managed.… -
Pruning and thinning eucalyptus - Stringybark eucalypt silviculture (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
Equipped with a harness, pole-pruner and ladder Silviculture of eucalypts for solid-timber requires some understanding of the tree and the timber. That is, a level of skill and knowledge guiding… -
Eucalypt species trials in the Wairarapa and Hawke’s Bay (Access: unrestricted)
Luigi Gea and Tony Shelbourne
There is interest among New Zealands small growers in growing eucalypts for sawn timber. Recent research funded by FRST has concentrated on species introduction and testing of a group of… -
Pests and eastern blue gums in the Manawatu (Access: unrestricted)
James Milner
The arrival of new eucalypt pests in New Zealand has caused many farm foresters to abandon species which have proved to be particularly vulnerable, including eastern blue gums such as… -
Health issues with eucalypts (Access: unrestricted)
Denis Hocking
Health issues with eucalypts fall into three main categories – insect pests, foliar disease and root diseases caused by fungi and Phytophthora species. While insect pests tend to get the… -
Toppling – further advice and insights (Access: unrestricted)
Author not published
Toppling of young trees is a perpetual problem on some properties, and has been discussed many times in Tree Grower and out at field days. The following contributions, from some… -
Use of New Zealand grown eucalypts (Access: unrestricted)
Richard Davies-Colley
The development of industries using eucalypt timber is still in its infancy in New Zealand. We have only small areas of mixed species, limited knowledge of the product and therefore… -
Eucalypts for timber: My experience and my floor (Access: unrestricted)
Don Tantrum
I began planting eucalypts about 30 years ago. I soon discovered that not all I wished to grow did grow. The Taihape climate soon curbed my enthusiasm. I will not…