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New Zealand Tree Grower, May 2024

  • President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
    Neil Cullen
    A very successful conference was hosted last month by the Hawke’s Bay branch. Many thanks to Tim, Cathie, Sue and the team who put together a programme of meetings and…
  • The Hawke’s Bay conference How was it for you this year? (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Julian Bateson
    I have just returned from the Hawke’s Bay conference, as many of you will have done. As I sat on the bus travelling back from the final evening, I realised…
  • Award winners and presentations Stihl the Farm Forester of the Year sponsors (Access: NZFFA membership)
    At the recent conference in Hawkes Bay on the second evening was the awards dinner. At this dinner everyone had a good time but with some having an even better…
  • Stihl North Island Farm Foresters of the Year The Fountaine family Jane, Grahame, Neil and Donna (Access: NZFFA membership)
    The Fountaine farm in the Waiwhare District is approximately 10 kilometres east of the Kaweka Ranges and about an hour’s travel from Hastings. The farm is in two blocks approximately…
  • Stihl South Island Farm Foresters of the Year 2024 Barry and Liz Gray (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Barry and Liz Gray’s farm is on the Owaka Highway, 26 kilometres south of Balclutha. Over half of the farm has a southerly aspect and, according to Liz, has a…
  • Landcare Trust Award for Innovation in Sustainable Farm Forestry Evan and Linda Potter (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Evan and Linda Potter are relative newcomers to the NZFFA having been members for only five years. However, for many years they have been implementing the principals of good farm…
  • The annual report by the President of the NZFFA (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Neil Cullen
    The past 12 months have been very busy for the NZFFA. I have been fortunate to have a great team working together to continue the work plan developed under Graham…
  • Alternatives to pines field days (Access: unrestricted)
    Dougal Morrison
    Field days covering growing trees on farms other than radiata pine are being run at many locations around the country by members of the NZFFA. The intention was to hold…
  • Where to with coast redwood tree stocks (Access: unrestricted)
    Rob Webster
    Coast redwood Sequoia sempervirens is an increasingly popular species and is being planted by small and large-scale growers. Although it was introduced by early settlers, no formal redwood breeding programme…
  • The grand fir nursery trials project Abies grandis (Access: unrestricted)
    Vaughan Kearns
    I will start by saying that if I realised, at the beginning, how hard and how high this hill is to climb, then I may not have started the ascent.…
  • Touched by legend The Napier Confernce (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Howard Moore
    At one time or another most of us will have admired the statue of Pania in the gardens on the Napier foreshore. She was a good-looking young woman but clearly…
  • What is in the numbers The NZFFA accounts for 2023 (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Howard Moore
    There is a book on the history of accounting you have probably never read. It is called Double Entry: How the merchants of Venice shaped the modern world – and…
  • Southern and Central Districts Field Days (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Dave Forsythe
    In November 2022 and June 2023 the NZFFA had a stand in the Forestry Hub at the Mystery Creek Field days. The displays were funded by the Ministry for Primary…
  • New Zealand Forest and Wood Sector Forum (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Neil Cullen
    We have a new pan-industry organisation which officially came into being on 4 March this year. Ten participating bodies signed the sector accord and agreed on the terms and conditions…
  • How do we keep seeing the ETS as an opportunity? (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Mathilde and Ollie Batelier-Belton
    If you have land registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme and have made it this far without losing your mind, well done. In 2024 we are just starting to reach…
  • Having a rewarding life while doing good works (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Hamish Levack
    Many of us planted our woodlots in the 1990s during the log price boom. Those high prices did not last, and costs went up. However, if you planted a hundred…
  • Western Himalayan alder as a nursery tree (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Chris Henry
    This article outlines my belief that there are benefits from the use of western Himalayan alder Alnus nitida as a nursery tree to help the establishment of native forest on…


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