See also pdf download for Tree Grower » May 2021 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, May 2021
President's comment (Access: unrestricted)
Graham West
Meet Your New President - Graham West Hello everyone, let me introduce myself and familiarise you with my background and what I want to do as president. I’m from a… -
A forwarding solution for harvesting small forests (Access: unrestricted)
John Schrider and Jack Palmer
In the February Tree Grower we reported on a harvesting system using a Valtra agricultural tractor with a log trailer driven by power take-off. The second system evaluated is a harvesting… -
TreeFarmer to help with woodlot harvest decisions (Access: unrestricted)
Graham West
TreeFarmer is the latest of a series of levy-funded projects aimed at improving a small-scale forest grower’s woodlot harvesting experience. TreeFarmer does this by raising the grower’s awareness of the problems and decisions they… -
The inside story of the 2021 Wellington conference. Was it a great success? (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
It all went amazingly well, by that I mean the conference in Wellington in late March. I can say this with confidence, based on the not very random, non-statistically valid feedback… -
Husqvarna North Island Farm Foresters of the Year 2021 – Nick and Sheryll Pollock (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Pollock completed his four years at Canterbury University with a degree in horticulture science. He then worked for a family business in Marlborough for eight years where he gained… -
Husqvarna South Island Farm Forester of the Year 2021 - Alistair Malcolm (Access: unrestricted)
For many years Alistair Malcolm has been an orchardist and fruit tree nurseryman growing apples, peaches and nectarines as well as running fruit packing sheds and cool stores. In 1986 he… -
Landcare Trust Award for Innovation in Sustainable Farm Forestry 2021 - The Lloyd and Beverley Gravatt farm (Access: unrestricted)
The hill country farm of 500 hectares close to Dargaville is known as Windy Hill. The property was purchased in 1994 by Lloyd and Beverley Gravatt. The land is mainly… -
Looking into the cabal (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
I am pleased that the Councillors elected members of the strategic review group to the Executive. Fresh ideas are always welcome. The election might also help dampen concerns that a… -
Healthy, productive forests: Fighting past, present and future pathogens (Access: unrestricted)
Michelle Harnett
Science, biosecurity and keen eyes on the ground are working to protect all our forests from new pathogens. Radiata pine makes up more than 90 per cent of the production… -
Poplars and willows: Hill country heroes (Access: unrestricted)
Kate Taylor
Farm foresters know all about planting the right tree in the right place at the right time. The New Zealand Poplar and Willow Research Trust has a plan to spread… -
Truffles and the compulsory acquisition of forest land (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
Alexander Georgiev, a Bangor University primatologist, collected samples of some truffles after he observed a group of wild bonobos eating them in the Congo’s Kokolopori Reserve. Since last September, this… -
Pine forests in Pelorus Sound from 1900 to 1970 (Access: unrestricted)
Dallas Hemphill
Forest owners find forest history to be interesting and often fascinating. It can also have practical applications with direct importance to the forest owner, as this article will illustrate. In… -
Oak Action Group red oak trials (Access: unrestricted)
Eric Cairns, Rachel Rose and Kees Weytmans
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the growth and timber potential of seven deciduous red oak species on trust-administered land at Eastwoodhill and Rewanui. The red oaks for… -
Why alternatives to clear felling harvests should be seriously considered (Access: unrestricted)
Mark Bloomberg
New Zealand currently harvests about 37 million cubic metres of logs a year. About 99 per cent of this harvest volume is from clear felling harvests, with approximately one per… -
Handling the heat of climate change (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
Recent submissions to the Climate Change Commission on its Draft Advice and to Te Uru Rakau on the Emissions Trading Scheme In March and April the NZFFA made two submissions,… -
Privacy Act 2020 and mandatory privacy breach reporting (Access: unrestricted)
Alan Knowsley
This article explains the steps a farmer or forestry organisation must take when reporting to the Privacy Commissioner and the individuals concerned if there has been a privacy breach under…