See also pdf download for Tree Grower » May 2010 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, May 2010
Lindsay and Dixon’s beech harvesting operation (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Campbell
The day started well with an address to the conference at breakfast time from Bernie Lagan, co-owner of Lindsay and Dixon. Bernie outlined to us the type of operation we… -
Improving forest inventory for the woodlot owner (Access: unrestricted)
Chris Goulding and Marika Fritzsche
Forestry is unusual compared with other crops in that planning should be carried out over the long term. The boom in new planting in the 1990's was carried out mainly by… -
Breeding – getting the most from radiata pine (Access: unrestricted)
John Walker
The best trees are tall, fat and straight – and in the best of all possible worlds they will be pruned and be at least 30 years old. This has… -
Radiata pine silviculture in Chile (Access: unrestricted)
Donald Mead
This article is based on a visit to Chile in April and May 2009, visiting Instituto Forestal and forest companies near Concepcion and Valdivia. Chile has about 1.5 million hectares… -
Mapping the productivity of radiata pine (Access: unrestricted)
David Palmer, Michael Watt, Mark Kimberley, Barbara Höck, Tim Payn and David Low
Forest owners, investors and policy makers all want to know the spread and productivity of New Zealand’s current and future radiata plantation. David Palmer, a geo-spatial analyst at Scion, has… -
Using Forecaster to maximise your forest investment (Access: unrestricted)
Jeremy Snook
Forecaster is a software system used to estimate the value of tree crop returns based on predicted log out-turns. It works by modelling the effects of site, silviculture and genetics… -
What is the NZFFA’s role in facilitating well designed forestry cooperatives? (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack and Howard Moore
In general woodlot owners do not access the best advice, do not manage their woodlots well, and do not receive optimal income when their trees are harvested − unless they… -
Farm forestry with a difference (Access: unrestricted)
Michael Orchard
A history of trees With a history of gold mining then coal mining, sawmilling and forest clearing for agriculture, the West Coast has been very lucky to have had a… -
A physical description of the West Coast (Access: unrestricted)
David Eastwood
The West Coast of the South Island is a distinctive region of New Zealand with unique geological, climatic, vegetation and social characteristics. It lies between 41 and 44 degrees south… -
Down on the farm or forest (Access: unrestricted)
West Coast branch members
West Coasters plant trees for pleasure, profit and keeping warm. An old adage here is − plant your first 10 hectares in radiata and you can put what you like in… -
Way down south at Whataroa (Access: unrestricted)
John Spencer
John Spencer of South Westland has been a long term member of the Westland branch. He undertakes traditional farming at his property near Whataroa. It is a high rainfall area… -
Allocation or exemption opportunity (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
You have twelve months from the 1 July this year to apply for your pre 1990 forest allocation of compensation credits, or to apply for a future deforestation exemption. With… -
A passion for trees (Access: unrestricted)
Catherine van Paassen
We have just over 17 hectares near Hokitika with about half planted in forest. Most of it is Eucalyptus nitens, some as shelterbelts and some thinned at 12 to 15… -
Trees are the Answer (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
Trees are the answer. This slogan was first advocated by Dr Patrick Moore, one the original founders of Greenpeace. Patrick is now head of Greenspirit, a Canadian pro- forestry environmental… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
John Dermer
My first duty as the incoming president is to thank Patrick Milne - our previous president for all the work he has done for the NZFFA over the last three…