See also pdf download for Tree Grower » May 2009 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, May 2009
Continuous cover forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Barton
Continuous cover forestry is the management of forests using ecological principles which are patterned on natural processes so that the forest canopy is always maintained at one or more levels… -
Eastwood Hill Arboretum (Access: unrestricted)
Reese and Elizabeth Hart
Eastwood Hill has long been on our minds as a place that we must visit some day. When the Gisborne conference included a visit to Eastward Hill as part of their… -
Nursery specifications for natives (Access: unrestricted)
Miles Giller
Many landowners wish to promote the regeneration of native plants, for a whole variety of reasons. In an ideal world such regeneration would take place by natural processes. However there… -
Selling alternative species (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Levett and Dean Satchell
Interest in farm forestry circles these days is turning increasingly to selling our precious alternative species logs and timber. This is not only because some of the species Dad and… -
The multi-purpose eucalypt trial at Makoura (Access: unrestricted)
Don Bell
The Makoura Stream currently receives all the treated effluent water from the Masterton Sewage Plant. Masterton District Council has lodged a resource consent application to discharge treated effluent water to… -
Planting for timber and shelter in Otago (Access: unrestricted)
Vivienne McLean
When John and Heather Prebble bought their farm at Mt Blue, Dunback, in East Otago around 30 years ago, there weren’t too many trees in the landscape. The urgent priority… -
A pet project (Access: unrestricted)
Mike Halliday
It all started with a trip to Kuratau to spend a weekend with a cousin who had a bach there. We fell in love with the place and put an… -
No environmentally acceptable alternative to wood (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
Dovetail, the USA based non-profit environmental wood advocacy organisation, has suggested wood may be getting a raw deal. If wood must come from environmentally certified sources should not the same… -
Lessons and asides from forestry in Aquitaine (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
If the poles were reversed, areas of Southern France would have the same latitude as parts of New Zealand. The maritime effect of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean adds to… -
Practise good forest hygiene if you are travelling overseas (Access: unrestricted)
Author not published
New Zealand’s exotic forest estate is worth billions of dollars. Last year the NZ Forest Owners Association issued forest hygiene guidelines for members to enlist their cooperation in reducing any risk… -
The Kargan story (Access: unrestricted)
Gary Blake, Rob Aspen and Alan Milne
In 1965 two young engineers and a hydrologist employed by the Ministry of Works and Development out of Whangarei became involved with a group to plant trees on gorse covered… -
Koro Station – Gisborne (Access: unrestricted)
Alec Olsen
The drive up to Koro Station from Gisborne, with Nick Seymour’s entertaining and knowledgeable commentary presented Gisborne at its best. The previous day’s rain had freshened the drying hills and… -
Husqvarna North Island Farm Forester of the Year 2009 - David and Ngaire Bryant (Access: unrestricted)
David and Ngaire Bryant
Longview was originally part of Olrig Station. It returned to the Lands and Survey Department after the World War I because of the ‘harshness of the climate and the fact…