See also pdf download for Tree Grower » February 2020 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2020
President's comment (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
We sympathise with Australian forest owners. Global warming has super-charged their rural fires to the point that some Australians even think that it is too risky to plant trees again. New Zealand… -
Growing a new hardwood industry is not just about planting trees (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen, Clemens Altaner and Harriet Palmer
In 2020 the NZ School of Forestry celebrates its 50-year anniversary. The School of Forestry was established in 1970 to educate professional foresters needed to expand and develop New Zealand’s forest sector… -
The wind in the wildings (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard, Ian Harman and John Finnigan
New Zealanders, particularly those in rural areas, are generally very aware of the climatic environment in which they live – mainly concerning temperature, rainfall and wind. They can confidently relate… -
The role of the Forest Industry Contractors Association (Access: unrestricted)
Prue Younger
Welcome to this article for the Tree Grower from the Forest Industry Contractors Association. I look forward to producing more articles in the future. Recently I was given the opportunity to… -
Breaking down barriers to afforestation (Access: unrestricted)
Michelle Harnett
We all agree that planting more trees is good idea, but with the One Billion Trees programme, dealing with agricultural emissions and New Zealand aiming to become carbon neutral, how… -
Forestry and timber processing in the south: A quiet achiever (Access: unrestricted)
With the 2020 Conference just around the corner it is an appropriate time to introduce you to the forestry scene in Southland and the rest of southern New Zealand. Forestry… -
A comparison of the 2019 Pigeon Valley forest fire with similar events in the past (Access: unrestricted)
Murray Dudfield, Geoff Cameron, Jim Carle, Kerry Ellem and Peter Hill
The February 2019 Nelson Pigeon Valley wildfire has been claimed by some as the most destructive plantation fire in the past 60 years. This article reviews data from other wildfires… -
What should you do if there is a fire in your forest? (Access: unrestricted)
Tiffany Robertson
Summer is well under way and this is often the time of year for sitting back and watching the trees grow while reflecting on last year’s achievements. However, for forest… -
Farm forestry and social media (Access: unrestricted)
Michael Gravatt
Male, pale and stale is not a bad way to describe the current state of the NZFFA. To say that farm forestry has been behind the eight ball on finding… -
Performance of indigenous and exotic species at Rewanui Forest Park ten years on (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Meason, Allison Drennen and Harriet Palmer
The Montfort Trimble Foundation established 15 indigenous and 11 exotic tree species in Rewanui Forest Park between in 2006 and 2008. The success and failure of species, and the measurements… -
Maori name now approved by Councillors (Access: unrestricted)
New Zealand Farm Forestry Association | Oranga Rākau Aotearoa At the Councillors meeting in May last year I made a brief presentation, as Chairman of the Wellington branch, about the… -
Eucalypt Action Group weekend near Golden Bay (Access: unrestricted)
Eric Cairns, Piers McLaren and Gary Fleming
This event, in October last year, was well organised and put together mainly by Vaughan Kearns, George Shallcrass and Tim Ekert. It was made more memorable because of shared accommodation…