See also pdf download for Tree Grower » February 2017 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2017
Helping owners of small-scale forests know more about the forest growers' levy (Access: unrestricted)
Glenn Tims and Bruce Bulloch
In this page: Roadshows begin Portrait of forest growers' levy information session The NZFFA receives some funding from the Forest Growers Levy Trust to communicate with all small- scale forest… -
Levy funded research conference (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
In mid-October last year, the Forest Growers Research Conference was held in Napier. It was a two-day event with the first day devoted to talks and presentations and a field trip… -
The Forest Industry Safety Council report (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Laurie
The work of the Forestry Industry Safety Council (FISC) continues to gain momentum under the Chairmanship of Dame Alison Paterson and the management of National Safety Director, Fiona Ewing. I… -
Forests take little from the soil (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
Particularly since the conversion or trashing of second or third rotation radiata stands to make room for dairy farming, we no longer hear claims along the lines that stands of… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
As can be expected, with the end of year period and holiday season, things have been slower and with fewer matters coming to my attention. My tour of duty is… -
Milling blackwood in the Marlborough Sounds (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen
My brother and I recently milled eight blackwood trees extracted from our Marlborough Sounds property. The sawmiller was Martin Douglass from Motuere, using a Woodmizer mobile sawmill. The trees were… -
Manuka – a rapidly growing industry (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
There was a time when the government paid farmers to clear manuka from their land. This article aims to help unravel some of the issues surrounding the source of New… -
Stop the rot - durable wood (Access: unrestricted)
Michelle Harnett, Dave Page and Nick Ledgard
Every good forestry research institute needs a graveyard. The wooden stakes in Scion’s graveyard are not marking the last resting place of ancient foresters. They are part of long running… -
A harvest result to confound the experts (Access: unrestricted)
Malcolm Mackenzie
Many forestry experts frequently speak or write of the need for scale to create good returns. They emphasise that to cover the costs of roading, skid preparation, and harvesting we… -
A view from the other side of insurance (Access: unrestricted)
Jo McIntosh
Over recent years, I have been writing about how important it is to carefully consider your standing timber policy values, the perils you choose to insure against, such as fire,… -
Managing riparian areas for timber and carbon How to get the most from fencing streams (Access: unrestricted)
Roger May
This article follows on from the article in the August 2016 Tree Grower. This was about government proposals to make stream fencing mandatory on farms and how planting extended riparian… -
ETS matters: Looking on the bright side of the Field Measurement Approach (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
The end of December 2017 marks the end of the Emissions Trading Scheme’s Commitment Period 2. All owners of ETS-registered forests planted after 1989, along with Permanent Forest Sink Initiative… -
Naturally durable strainer posts producing an income (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen
The potential for naturally durable hardwood vineyard posts continues to expand in Marlborough, with many hundreds of hectares of new vineyard being planted last winter. Meanwhile the large harvesting machines… -
Woodside: A small forest managed on multiple use principles (Access: unrestricted)
John Purey-Cust
Woodside: A small forest managed on multiple use principles by John Wardle. Published by the Indigenous Forest Section of the New Zealand Farm Forestry Association, 2016. Review by John Purey-Cust.…