See also pdf download for Tree Grower » February 2013 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2013
Time to harvest that woodlot? (Access: unrestricted)
Jeremy Waldegrave
Harvesting a farm woodlot is often the finale to years of input and interest given to your block of trees. The planning, the harvesting and marketing of your woodlot is… -
Harvesting mature macrocarpa – never judge a book by its cover (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Laurie
This case study reviews a recent harvest project involving 17 mature macrocarpa trees harvested in south Canterbury. It is very much a story of being aware of what you are… -
Where there is a will, there is a way - Harvesting at Collyns Forest (Access: unrestricted)
Harriet Palmer
After a visit to the Collyns Forest during the NZFFA Wellington conference in 2003, Benjamin Lee wrote in Tree Grower − I have been to some steep forests over the… -
Harvesting your woodlot requires quality access and decision-making (Access: unrestricted)
Tim Smith
Having been involved in harvesting and marketing private forestry woodlots for close to 20 years, I have learned some very valuable lessons. Being based in south Otago, the home of… -
What to do when that arrangement with your contractor turns sour (Access: unrestricted)
John Schrider
All farm foresters reach a point in their tree growing when they must decide to cut all emotional ties they have with the woodlot they have carefully established and nurtured… -
A Wellington Regional Council perspective on harvesting (Access: unrestricted)
Christina Schierlitz
Regional councils in New Zealand have a responsibility to look after the natural resources in their districts. This includes land, water, air, soil, minerals, energy, plants and animals. Harvesting trees… -
Planting trees for bees (Access: unrestricted)
Linda Newstrom-Lloyd, Tony Roper and Marco Gonzalez
Planting trees for bees has become a topical issue in New Zealand. Security of pollination services has become a major concern for domestic and export markets and work is needed… -
The projected peak in the wood supply - A need for action (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
The rate of new plantation establishment was low in the late 1980s but became exceptionally high in the early to mid 1990s. In the late 1990s and in the first… -
Is the Doha result a disaster for New Zealand forestry? (Access: unrestricted)
Geoff Thompson
New Zealand has miscued its international climate change response and the forest industry will suffer. The withdrawal of New Zealand from a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol has… -
Sawmilling Ovens cypress - A New Zealand first? (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
Audrey Hay has a small stand of some of the most impressive looking pruned Cupressus ovensii in the country. They were planted by her and her late husband Michael 24… -
Standing up for the small-scale grower (Access: unrestricted)
Roger May
Since the mid-1980s when the government sold most of the taxpayer-owned forest plantations and placed most of Crown-owned indigenous forest into the Department of Conservation, the New Zealand forest industry… -
Bell Vue with Steve Robertson (Access: unrestricted)
Doug Lane
This is one of the field day reports from the 2012 Balclutha conference. Alighting from the bus on the edge of Lawrence township we were reminded of the gold-mining history… -
Forget offsetting - You can now deforest for less than $300 a hectare (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
Under the ETS, owners of pre-1990 forest land become emitters and are required to surrender units if they deforest. This applies if you clear trees from more than two hectares… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Jackson
Greetings and welcome to the first Tree Grower issue of 2013. I trust that you all had an enjoyable festive season, and managed to incorporate that, with what is normally…