Award winning house has blackwood floor
Ian Nicholas and Paul Millen, New Zealand Tree Grower February 2012.
In November last year, a Marlborough Sounds house built by Glenroy Housing of Blenheim won the New Homes category $350,000 to $450,000 house of the year Registered Master Builders award. The house went on to claim the Supreme House of theYear award fighting off one and two million dollar houses. The house has been built for Marcus and Alex Myring who see their home as very special.
The Master Builders promotional description of the house states that locally milled blackwood has been laid in a distinctive pattern in the main living room, achieving a blend of warmth and sophistication and complementing the natural timber used extensively inside and out.
The judges in the new home category noted that the authentic blackwood timber flooring, locally milled and conditioned on site, has been laid to perfection with an innovative border trim, just one example of the complex detailing executed to perfection.
The timber for the floor was locally grown by Paul and Ash Millen of Marlborough Timbers at their forest, Tai Tane located nearby in Linkwater. They started sawing 18 to 20-year-old blackwood thinnings in 2004 when they first supplied timber for the floor of another Marlborough house.