See also pdf download for Tree Grower » February 2012 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2012
Tasman District overview (Access: unrestricted)
Nelson branch
A glance at the Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council websites shows that Tasman District is a large area. It covers 9,786 square kilometres and is bounded to the… -
Development of a forestry block overlooking the Motueka Valley (Access: unrestricted)
Tracy and Belinda Palmer
We took possession of 45 hectares of land in July 2009. The property consists of approximately 22 hectares of pasture, 10 hectares of untended radiata pine which had been planted… -
Nelson farm forestry field day (Access: unrestricted)
Roger May
On a beautiful spring morning about 15 members of Nelson farm forestry met at the Appleton family property at Motupiko, 45 minutes drive south of Nelson, to look at the… -
A profile of Tunnel Creek evergreens (Access: unrestricted)
Bevan Walker
About 27 km south of Richmond is the Spooners Range, over which the main road goes to Christchurch. Under this is the old tunnel of the now defunct railway that… -
Tree identification expertise now based in Nelson (Access: unrestricted)
Chris Ecroyd
Chris Ecroyd has recently moved to Richmond after 37 years working at the New Zealand Forest Research Institute (Scion) in Rotorua as a botanist specialising in tree identification, especially pines… -
A planted indigenous forestry project (Access: unrestricted)
Harley and Margaret Gray
In the November 2005 issue of Tree Grower we wrote an article entitled ‘Starting from scratch’ which described the early stages of our small forestry project on Kaipara South Head. This is… -
Promoting indigenous forest recovery Carbon and the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (Access: unrestricted)
Ollie Belton
Over the past few years there has been a lot of publicity about the opportunity to make money by growing trees for carbon sequestration. New Zealand is a pioneer in… -
Sustainable indigenous forest management Where are we in 2012? (Access: unrestricted)
Alan Griffiths and Karlene Hill
What has been happening on the indigenous forestry front in recent times? This article looks at trends in indigenous forest management and timber production, discusses some recent initiatives and highlights… -
Salvaging beech thinning trials – a national heritage (Access: unrestricted)
Tomás Easdale
An important goal of forestry is to increase tree growth and improve timber yield or its quality on a sustainable basis. Controlling tree density within forest stands by thinning is… -
Survey of existing uses and market potential of naturally regenerated farm totara (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Quinlan and David Bergin
The Northland Totara Working Group has completed a survey on the uses and market potential of naturally regenerated farm totara timber. The results are very encouraging. There was clear support… -
Expanding economic viability of sustainably managed indigenous beech forests and industry (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
The workshop late in 2011 held by the School of Forestry at Canterbury University brought together stakeholders from around the country to discuss issues around this emerging industry. The workshop… -
Emissions Trading Scheme facing significant challenges (Access: unrestricted)
Geoff Thompson
The Cabinet is expected to make decisions very soon about the recommendations of the ETS Review panel’s report. It will be dealing with them in the context of the latest… -
Harvest time at Patangata in central Hawke’s Bay (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Cairns
As a couple we had always enjoyed summer camping. We continued this tradition when our two girls were young. Wellington’s climate is not its strong point and we loved the… -
Forestry, and the opportunity for forest development, on the Chatham Islands (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
Every year, for the past decade, groups lead by Don Tantrum, have been visiting a fascinating place for people who are interested in forestry – the Chathams. Original native forest… -
Award winning house has blackwood floor (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Nicholas and Paul Millen
In November last year, a Marlborough Sounds house built by Glenroy Housing of Blenheim won the New Homes category $350,000 to $450,000 house of the year Registered Master Builders award.… -
Carbon insurance liability (Access: unrestricted)
Geoff Manks
You may be a forester growing trees for the purpose of trading your carbon credits, or you may provide professional advice to those involved in carbon forestry, or carry out… -
Opportunities for carbon forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
‘Come to Africa,’ my daughter chirped over skype three months ago ‘it will be cool’. In fact on the top of Mt Kilimanjaro at 5,895 metres above sea level just… -
Forest health update (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
Needlecast Needlecast has been quite bad over the past winter on radiata pine with many parts of the North Island affected and even around Nelson in the South Island. It… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
John Dermer
Challenges for 2012 I hope you have all had a good break and are ready to take on the challenges 2012 will certainly throw at us. Internationally there has been…