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New Zealand Tree Grower, August 2024

  • President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
    Neil Cullen
    The NZFFA had a strong presence again in the Forestry Hub at the National Fieldays.There was a lot of involvement with the public and not just because of the succulent…
  • The Forest Growers’ Levy A fund to benefit all growers? (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Neil Cullen
    It is commonly accepted, reinforced by AgriBase data, that there are more than 15,000 land owners with more than four hectares of planted forestry. Large scale foresters, those with more…
  • Do small-scale forest growers get a fair deal from the levy? (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Roger May
    Since 2014, all plantation forest growers who have harvested trees are required to pay a levy based on the tonnes of logs delivered to a mill, port or other log…
  • The Small and Medium Enterprises committee (Access: unrestricted)
    Hamish Levack
    Before 2013, all forestry common-good work was paid from voluntary levies and subscriptions financed by members of the NZ Forest Owners’ Association. There was also some significant government funding with…
  • The Forest Industry Safety Council Its relevance for farm foresters (Access: unrestricted)
    Don Wallace
    In the June 2016 Tree Grower there was an article by Ian Jackson which provides information on the formation of the Forest Industry Safety Council. I do not want to…
  • The Forest Growers’ Levy is vital for supporting forestry’s growth and resilience (Access: unrestricted)
    Eliabeth Heeg
    Forestry would not be on the growth trajectory it is today without the support of its levy. Some may view the levy as another tax and question how they benefit,…
  • What is the future role of forestry for New Zealand climate targets? (Access: unrestricted)
    Mathilde and Ollie Batelier-Belton
    The New Zealand Government is facing a conundrum with trees. On one hand, according to the Climate Change Commission but contested, it may have too much forest land in the…
  • Why land owners over-pay for native planting (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Bronwyn Douglas
    I recently attended Mystery Creek as part of the team from Balanced Forestry, a business which provides low-cost native seedlings and consultancy services to land owners. The crowds were good…
  • Progress in mechanised tree planting (Access: unrestricted)
    Carol Rolando and Claire Stewart
    The way that trees are planted in New Zealand forestry has changed little since the first large-scale plantations were established in the 1920s and 1930s. Planting crews, each person with…
  • What is a permanent sample plot? (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Vaughan Kearns
    Permanent sample plots are a standard measurement of a group of trees which can be used for a whole raft of different purposes. If someone was to plant a tree,…
  • Suspicious about your harvest manager? (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Hamish Levack
    Small-scale forest owners usually have to engage a forest management company to manage harvesting and marketing their trees. That company will generally look after all planning and regulatory requirements, organise…
  • The Forestry Hub at Mystery Creek (Access: unrestricted)
    Vaughan Kearns
    We have been taken seriously by politicians who have used the Forestry Hub as an opportunity to make speeches about the virtues of the forestry. Those who have visited and…
  • Post conference trip to Gisborne (Access: NZ Tree Grower Magazine)
    Cynthia Barnard
    After the NZFFA conference in Hawke’s Bay, a smaller group of farm foresters, about 20 of us, spent two days on a whistle-stop tour looking at trees around the Gisborne…


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