See also pdf download for Tree Grower » August 2018 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, August 2018
New radiata pine calculator (Access: unrestricted)
Harriet Palmer
Farm foresters can now test out different management options for existing or planned radiata pine plantations with a new on-line calculator – the Forecaster Radiata Pine Calculator. This is a… -
New technology for targeted pest detection and control (Access: unrestricted)
Tara Strand and Harriet Palmer
Most small-scale forest owners spend a good deal of time keeping their fingers crossed that their trees will survive to harvest age. While crossing fingers is about all that can… -
The levy on harvested wood after five years (Access: unrestricted)
Geoff Thompson
Forestry is in the spotlight now but for a long time was an industry taken for granted and largely banished from bureaucratic interest. During that time there was a grumbling… -
Wood is as important as food (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
For over 60 years I have had to defend a common criticism of forestry that ‘forests including plantations are occupying land which should be used for food production’. It is… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
The conference in Nelson was a successful and enjoyable event and we are grateful to the team there that put it all together. Minister Shane Jones in his speech exuded… -
Tunnel Creek - A high pruner’s paradise (Access: unrestricted)
Our visit to Bevan Walker’s property was the first field visit of the 2018 conference. After a short circular walk through some redwoods to clear the lungs after the bus… -
Appleton’s special arboretum Pig Valley (Access: unrestricted)
The second field trip of the conference was to Appleton’s special arboretum strangely named Pig Valley – 150 hectares of trees and farmland. At the first stop overlooking part of… -
Getting to the heart of coast redwood durability (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Meason, Mark Riddell, Diahanna O’Callahan, and Armin Thumm
Coast redwood has the potential to be a high value timber crop. Its timber has an attractive appearance, high stability and its natural durability make it an ideal timber for… -
Do not let harvesting mishaps paint a false picture of forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard
I recently wrote an article for our branch newsletter about forests on the move. This focused on the so-called window of vulnerability, a period of about six years after a… -
Continuous cover forestry feasibility study (Access: unrestricted)
Harriet Palmer
Continuous cover forestry involves regular harvesting small areas or individual trees which then avoids clear-felling. An NZFFA and Sustainable Farming Fund project to investigate the feasibility of a specific continuous… -
Crime and punishment comes to the forest (Access: unrestricted)
The title of the article may be a bit scary but I promise not all is lost as there are solutions to be found. A few weeks ago, I met… -
A straight-forward woodlot harvest (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
When we took over management of the family farm at Glenomaru, South Otago in 1991 there were 45 hectares of established radiata pine woodlots. This, and the considerable potential for… -
Income tax - When is it smart to be a farmer? (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
There are 3,351 pages in the Income Tax Act 2007 and it keeps on getting longer. Because it treats farmers differently from foresters it pays to know why, where and… -
National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry - An update on what you need to know (Access: unrestricted)
Alex Wilson
Many of you will now know that if you who own, or are planning to plant, a commercial forest larger than one hectare it is now regulated by the National…