See also pdf download for Tree Grower » August 2013 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, August 2013
Wood-Mizer for farm foresters (Access: unrestricted)
John Fairweather
I have a mix of alternative species over 20 years old on my block in north Canterbury. Over 10 years ago I decided to try and add value to the… -
Finding the right portable sawmill (Access: unrestricted)
Marlena Martin and Layla Robinson
Most portable sawmills sold in this country are purchased by farmers. They can see the benefits of cutting their own trees for farm fences, sheds, yards and other projects. As… -
A farm forester’s experience with a Peterson mill (Access: unrestricted)
Peter van Essen
I bought a Peterson automated swingblade mill in 2002 to use trees from young woodlots which I had planted. I chose this mill because of its portability, easy blade maintenance,… -
Lucas portable sawmills (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Schulz
If you are involved in farm forestry and are thinking of buying a sawmill to process your own logs, then you should start by establishing a market. The three main… -
Shane Jordan portable sawmilling (Access: unrestricted)
Shane Jordan
I own and operate a small portable sawmilling business east of Stratford. In my spare time I compete in timber sport competitions throughout the world. I am a current world… -
Husqvarna North Island Farm Foresters of the Year 2013 - Bob and Meg Gaddum (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
This year’s winners live on Te Koawa Station, an 882 hectare property 50 kilometres west of Gisborne. It is typical of the hill country of that region. It runs approximately… -
Landcare Trust Award for Innovation in Sustainable Farm Forestry 2013 - Ewen McGregor (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
This year’s award winner has achieved in a dry land environment what many aspire to achieve in more benign parts of New Zealand. Situated on the banks of the Tukituki… -
Harvest surprise (Access: unrestricted)
Malcolm Mackenzie
We have recently harvested a woodlot planted in 1989. The planting regime chosen was as a result of a Waitomo branch farm forestry branch trip to the Bay of Plenty… -
Collective marketing of Tasmanian blackwood? (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
This year’s Farm Forestry AGM was held in the Lower North region. On one of the field day’s we visited Audrey Hay’s farm. While admiring a maturing stand of Tasmanian… -
Willows and poplars for drought feed (Access: unrestricted)
Deric Charlton
The drought last summer throughout most of New Zealand exposed the vulnerability of livestock farmers who depend on ryegrass-based pastures. Some had to use balage, silage and hay intended for… -
Onwards and upwards for the NZ Dryland Forests Initiative (Access: unrestricted)
Harriet Palmer
Around 10 years ago Paul Millen saw the opportunity for locally grown ground durable eucalypts to replace treated pine posts in Marlborough’s vineyards. The market for vineyard posts alone is… -
Making a stand by refusing to plant? (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
The Wellington-based team addressing the need to convert the upcoming wall of wood into a reliable non-declining timber yield, published an article about its work in the November 2012 Tree… -
Research on redwood wood properties is progressing (Access: unrestricted)
Patrick Milne
Coast redwood has had a chequered history in New Zealand having been widely planted before 1940. However, most of these plantings failed for one reason or another. There are many… -
Horizons’ proposed One Plan Where are we? (Access: unrestricted)
Barry Gilliland
It is a long and difficult birth is my stock answer to the perennial question – At what stage is the proposed One Plan? The fact is that the situation… -
The ETS here and overseas (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
Forget fairness, logic and justice. The ETS is all about managing risk and seizing opportunity. As I write this article I am just back from my third trip to China… -
Ian David Nicholas, MPhil, BForSci - 3 July 1953 to 22 March 2013 (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
Our farm forestry community is rather like our indigenous forest ecosystem, full of wonderful unique inhabitants with diverse niches and experiences. Like many ecosystems some of our inhabitants are subtle… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Jackson
‘If you do not work hard today, you will not have a job tomorrow’ was the slogan on the wall of a plywood factory which I visited on a recent…