Regional strategies
Please note: Some of these reports are restricted access.
- The Specialty Woods Products Research Partnership FINAL REPORT 2015 – 2023
SWP-T170 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2023
This report summarises the technical content and outputs of the SWP. The programme should be considered as initiating the research and development needed to develop a specialty wood products industry.…
- National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species
SWP-T159 - Access: unrestricted.
January 2023
Stage 3: Mapping alternative species in East Coast This study used a remote sensing approach to classify alternative species of small-scale plantations in the East Coast wood supply region (i.e.…
- National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species. Stage 2b: Mapping alternative species using remote sensing
SWP-T143 - Access: unrestricted.
February 2022
Stage 2b: Mapping alternative species using remote sensing This study provides a proof of concept of using remote sensing to classify species of small-scale plantation at a regional level and…
- Developing the potential of New Zealand’s small-scale sawmilling and alternative timber sector: proposal for regional NZ workshops
SWP-T137 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2021
The overall objective of this project is for FGR, through the SWP, to develop and facilitate a series of regional ‘NZ Specialty Wood Trade Shows’ as well as industry workshops, the…
- National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species
SWP-T133 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2021
Stage Two of Hawke’s Bay Region pilot project: survey of small-scale woodlot owners The Stage 1 objective of this project was to identify a suitable methodology for a NZ-wide survey and inventory…
- The current and future potential of contingency species to mitigate biosecurity risk for the New Zealand forest sector
SWP-T122- - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
The problem In 1969 radiata pine made up 54% of the planted forest estate, including eucalypts, larch, Corsican pine, Ponderosa pine, Austrian pine, and Douglas-fir; today radiata pine comprises over…
- National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species - Stage One of Hawke’s Bay Region pilot project
SWP-T110 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
The Stage One objective of this project is to identify a suitable methodology for a NZ-wide survey and inventory of alternative species forests and their owners by undertaking a pilot…
- Developing the potential of New Zealand’s portable sawmilling and alternative timber sector - Report: Survey of small-scale sawmillers
SWP-T106 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
This report provides the results from a survey of New Zealand’s small-scale sawmillers with the 75 survey responses received demonstrating significant interest and support. Given this feedback, a workshop is…
- Portable sawmilling of locally grown alternative timber species - A report on the potential for a sustainable small-scale regional industry in Hawke’s Bay Regio
SWP-T100 - Access: unrestricted.
April 2020
This report provides a high-level review of the potential for a sustainable small-scale regional industry in the Hawke’s Bay Region based on portable sawmilling of locally grown alternative timber species for…
- Forest Protection SSIF research on species other than radiata pine 2018/19
SWP-T081 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
June 2019
Plantation species other than Pinus radiata (radiata pine), in particular Douglas-fir and eucalypts, form an important part of a diversified forest estate. Douglas-fir is planted over approx. 105,000 ha. and is the…
- Durable Eucalypts - A Multi-Regional Opportunity for New Zealand’s Drylands
SWP-T076 - Access: unrestricted.
September 2019
Focus Areas and Action/Goals for 2019-2022 The NZDFI has developed this regional strategy to provide a rationale and overview of its planned activities over the next three years and beyond. The…
- Identifying processing opportunities for key specialty tree species; - processing options analysis using the WoodScape model
SWP-T073 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
The Specialty Wood Products Research Partnership wish to know where there are opportunities to develop processing of Douglas-fir, Cypress and Eucalyptus species (nitens and fastigata). A previous report covers the…
- Identifying processing opportunities for key specialty tree species – resource analysis
SWP-T068 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
This report covers the current and projected supply of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), Cypresses and Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden across all the major wood supply regions of…
- Core funded aligned research on insects and fungi on species other than radiata pine 2017/2018
SWP-T061 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
Plantation species other than Pinus radiata (radiata pine), specifically Douglas-fir and eucalypts, form an important part of a diversified forest estate. Douglas-fir is planted over approx. 105,000 ha. and is the most…
- Durable eucalypt forests – a multi-regional opportunity for investment in New Zealand drylands
SWP-T044 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2018
We believe our vision for the establishment of a durable eucalypt plantation estate is a unique opportunity to add value to New Zealand’s current forest industry. With our elite breeding…
- Preliminary Decision Support System Stakeholder Analysis – towards the Scion SFF proposal for site-species matching
SWP-T031 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2017
The purpose of this study was to conduct an end-user stakeholder analysis about the usage of Decision Support System (DSS) tools for alternative species decision making. The specific objectives were…
- A Regional Approach to Matching Specialty Timber Species to Sites
SWP-T019 - Access: unrestricted.
February 2017
A report to summarise the Specialty Wood Products Partnership workshop on site-species matching A workshop on the theme of matching specialty timber species to sites was held in Wellington in…
- Alternative Species Site Mapping Review and Analysis
SWP-T004 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2016
Background Commercial forestry in New Zealand is dominated by the site insensitive species Pinus radiata (radiata pine). The commercial planting of non-radiata pine (alternative) forestry species over the last century has…