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Variation in adaptability and productivity between durable eucalypt species in different New Zealand environments

By Paul Millen, Ruth McConnochie and Euan Mason, August 2023.

Download SWP-T164 (pdf)

Executive summary

This report summarises early results from a total of 14 demonstration trials implemented by the NZDFI established across North Island regions and those in Marlborough, Nelson and North Canterbury.

The trials evaluated variation in tree survival, growth and stem of eleven eucalypt species. The species are reported in three groupings: class 1 brown heartwood, class 2 and 3 brown heartwood and class 1 and 2 red heartwood. Assessments made at ages ranging from seven to eleven years are reported. For each species, the relative performance of the seed sources across different trial site and climatic factors is given, showing the degree of G x E (genotype by environment interaction), which is important when choosing species for planting.

Prior information on growth rates of these eucalypt species is very limited, so the data reported here will enable prospective growers to obtain a better idea of the performance that can be expected from well-managed plantations, and the degree of improvement obtainable from selecting the right species and seed sources.


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