Genetic variation in collapse and other wood properties of Eucalyptus quadrangulata at mid-rotation age
By Vikash Gildiyahl, Clemens Altaner, November 2022.
Download SWP-T152 (pdf)
Executive summary
This report is a draft chapter of Vikash Ghildiyal’s PhD thesis exploring genetic and technological solutions to reduce collapse in eucalyptus timbers. In this chapter 2 NZDFI E. quadrangulata breeding trials have been assessed for collapse on cores and other wood properties. This work was financially supported by SWP under SWP-WP131 Milestone 4.
Literature reports of E. quadrangulata timber featuring collapse were confirmed. Heartwood collapse was under genetic control and could be reduced in a future plantation resource by appropriate selections.
However, these trials planted in 2011 included only ~20 families, and therefore there is limited selection potential. The majority of NZDFI’s E. quadrangulata breeding population has been planted in 2016 and is awaiting phenotyping in the near future.

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