Assessment of NZDFI Eucalyptus quadrangulata Breeding Populations
By R. McConnochie and L. Apiolaza, January 2021.
Download SWP-T120 (pdf)
Executive summary
The objective of the NZDFI breeding programme is to define and then exploit the variation in selected traits by identifying and advancing superior families in the breeding populations. E. quadrangulata is one of the top three species of interest to the NZ Dryland Forests Initiative. The age 3.5 year assessment of the 2016 breeding trial at Paparoa and assessment of the 2011 breeding trial at Cuddons is reported and concludes that a genetic improvement programme for this species can progress the key traits. Selection between and within the families that are planted in NZDFI E. quadrangulata progeny trials will provide improved germplasm for future forest plantings.

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Post from on May 20, 2021 at 7:31PM
No selection for insect resistance?
Also..."The top families for growth and form are not the same group that produce good heartwood volume"
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