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SWP technical reports by date

Please note: Some of these reports are restricted access.

  • Preliminary juvenile height yield models for three durable Eucalyptus species by integrating site-specific factors
    SWP-T094 - Access: unrestricted.
    February 2020
    Juvenile height growth models are useful to get an indication and understanding of site-species matching and initial decision making. Furthermore, juvenile height yield models are rare especially from sparsely available…

  • Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (final report)
    SWP-T090 - Access: unrestricted.
    December 2019
    Changes in the moisture content of wood changes its dimensions. The magnitude of these changes (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor…

  • A population-genomic and taxonomic study of Eucalyptus argophloia and E. bosistoana
    SWP-T089 - Access: unrestricted.
    December 2019
    The New Zealand Dryland Forests Initiative (NZDFI) aims to create plantations of high-value Eucalyptus timber species in dry environments on the east coast of New Zealand. This would enable the sustainable production…

  • Bonding of E. bosistoana and E. quadrangulata veneer
    SWP-T091 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
    November 2019
    Aim of this work: To determine if two standard Hexion commercial phenolic resins will bond the E. bosistoana or E. quadrangulata veneer. Previous Hexion work has shown poor bonds with…

  • Durable Eucalypts - A Multi-Regional Opportunity for New Zealand’s Drylands
    SWP-T076 - Access: unrestricted.
    September 2019
    Focus Areas and Action/Goals for 2019-2022 The NZDFI has developed this regional strategy to provide a rationale and overview of its planned activities over the next three years and beyond. The…

  • Non-destructive detection of the heartwood-sapwood barrier
    SWP-T088 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
    September 2019
    This study examined the feasibility of using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging to identify the heartwood-sapwood barrier in trees (Eucalyptus globoidea, Eucalyptus bosistoana and Cupressus ovensii). The dielectric properties measured of…

  • Thermal Modification of Specialty Species Results of Scion’s SSIF-funded experiments
    SWP-T086 - Access: unrestricted.
    September 2019
    The problem The objective of this work is to improve the properties of two specialty wood species (Eucalyptus nitens and Cupressus lusitanica) through thermal modification. Thermal modification darkens the colour…

  • The decay resistance of six Eucalyptus species after three years exposure
    SWP-T085 - Access: Executive. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
    August 2019
    Durability stakes and stakelets were prepared from six different durable Eucalyptus species, (Eucalyptus bosistoana, Eucalyptus quadrangulata, Eucalyptus pilularis, Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa, Eucalyptus globoidea, Eucalyptus muelleriana). For each species, timber had been selected…

  • Assessed defoliation of Eucalyptus nitens breeding population to quantify genetic basis of palatability to Paropsis charybdis
    SWP-T083 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
    July 2019
    Eucalyptus nitens breeding has a long history in commercial forestry in New Zealand. This is currently the most important Eucalyptus species in the country for pulpwood, and because it is fast growing and has…

  • Experimental studies on Douglas-fir CLT connections and core-walls
    SWP-T082 - Access: unrestricted.
    June 2019
    This project report summarizes the experimental testing results of Douglas-fir Cross-laminated Timber (CLT) connections and core-walls. 54 screwed connection tests were performed under both monotonic and cyclic loading, and 31…

  • Sapwood depth tool – proof of concept field prototype
    SWP-T077 - Access: unrestricted.
    June 2019
    The sapwood depth (or size of heartwood) in standing trees can be measured by (1) the destructive method, (2) the semi-destructive method, or (3) the non-destructive method, with minimal damage…

  • Assessing the Bending and Density Properties of six Eucalypt Species
    SWP-T080 - Access: unrestricted.
    June 2019
    Small clear bending strength samples were cut from the following 16 year old trees that had already been felled for an earlier SWP durability study. E. bosistoana E. quadrangulata E.…

  • Implementation of genomic selection in provenance/progeny test of Douglas-fir
    SWP-T084 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
    June 2019
    Two Douglas-fir progeny trials planted in Kaingaroa and Gowan Hill in 1996 were assessed in 2007 and re-assessed in February 2017. Since this material contains genetically broad material coming from…

  • Minimising growth-strain in eucalypts to transform processing
    SWP-T087 - Access: unrestricted.
    June 2019
    A four-year MPI Sustainable Farming Fund project 407602 was undertaken at the University of Canterbury School of Forestry (2015-2019). The driver for the project was the perceived opportunity for high-stiffness…

  • Forest Protection SSIF research on species other than radiata pine 2018/19
    SWP-T081 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
    June 2019
    Plantation species other than Pinus radiata (radiata pine), in particular Douglas-fir and eucalypts, form an important part of a diversified forest estate. Douglas-fir is planted over approx. 105,000 ha. and is the…


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