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Northland poplar trials

Report Date: Ongoing, from 2021.

Author: Dean Satchell

Senior Forest Service Advisor
Forest Service Advice
Te Uru Rākau ­- New Zealand Forest Service
Ministry for Primary Industries - Manatū Ahu Matua
Mobile: 022 0107961
Phone: +64 9 2207864

Cultivars - NZ 83-045-002

Bred in 1983.

P. maximowiczii x P. nigra

NZ 83-045-002

Mother: P. maximowiczii Unknown

Father: P. nigra PN 019, Italica


Trials with this cultivar:

From Trevor Jones:

Two trees of the P. maximowiczii × nigra clone NZ 83-045-002 are shown in the centre foreground, photo, taken in October 2023.
The trees are 35 years old, growing in a poplar trial on John Cousin’s farm at Zigzag Road, Manawatu.

This is a male poplar clone, with straight stems, slight stem fluting, reasonably smooth bark and light branching. The breast height outerwood increment core (October 2023) data from Scion is given in the table below. The wood basic density is low to moderate for a poplar clone.

Increment core code Location Length Growth rings Core segment lengths (mm) Basic density (kg/m3)
    (mm)   Inner Mid Outer Inner Mid Outer Whole core
NZ 83-045-002 Zigzag Road, Manawatu 192 24 71 71 50 325 333 340 332



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