Northland poplar trials
Report Date: Ongoing, from 2021.
Author: Dean Satchell
Senior Forest Service Advisor
Forest Service Advice
Te Uru Rākau - New Zealand Forest Service
Ministry for Primary Industries - Manatū Ahu Matua
Mobile: 022 0107961
Phone: +64 9 2207864
Use the links above to make your way around the Northland poplar trials database.
Poplar cultivar trials commenced in Northland during 2021, initiated by Northland Regional Council's land management team.
Northland has a unique climate and challenging soil types and growers have a need for poplar cultivars suitable for soil conservation in the region. These trials aim to test new clones against Kawa, the one well-tested and proven clone that has been grown in the region for the last thirty years.
These species and cultivar trials are ongoing. If you have a trial site in Northland and you'd like to set up a poplar trial contact the author via the email address above.
We require pastoral land areas of up to 1 hectare that can be fenced off from livestock for a minimum of four years.