Places to Visit
Here our aim is to compile a list of sites which people could visit to see examples of different species, silvicultural systems etc.
If you wish to visit a private property, please ring in advance to agree a convenient time. This is especially important when people live some distance from their trees.
Properties with this symbol are recent NZFFA national award winners.
Scroll down to:
- Northland and Auckland
- Waikato
- Bay of Plenty
- Gisborne-East Coast
- Hawke’s Bay
- Taranaki
- Whanganui-Manawatu
- Greater Wellington
- Nelson
- Marlborough
- West Coast
- Canterbury
- Otago
- Southland
Northland and Auckland | |||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Simms farm |
Kaitaia |
Blackwood up to 20 years old. Also Grevillea robusta, just over 20 years old. Both species grown primarily for erosion control as well as timber. |
Brian Simms 0-9-408 4050 |
Satchell property |
Kerikeri |
Eucalypt, cypress and radiata, grown from seed, following silvicultural regimes for high value timber. |
Dean Satchell 021-2357554 |
Renwick property |
Kaitaia |
A well tended block of blackwood planted 1984. Also a small block of cutting grown radiata pine planted 1997. |
Richard Renwick |
Achtzehner property |
North of Okaihau |
When bought in 1994 a third of the property had 1-year old pines. The rest since planted with lusitanica, macrocarpa, redwood, blackwood, acacia dealbata, a range of eucalypts. Also poplar for drying out wet areas. No more pines. Intention is to selectively harvest to maintain continuous canopy. |
Tony Achtzehner |
‘Parakao’ |
Between Whangarei and Dargaville |
Good farm forestry. Wide range of species, some up to 40 years old, planted for a range of purposes (timber, shelter, erosion control, arboretum, etc.) and because John just likes trees. |
John Pedersen |
‘Ngarakau’ |
Between Whangarei and Dargaville |
Plantings for poplars/erosion control, agroforestry, eucalypts, hardwood timber processing, and woodlot harvesting. |
Peter Davies-Colley |
‘Woodlands’ |
20 minutes west of Warkworth |
Planting originally for erosion control and timber resulted in good shelter. Now it is more like a park, with eucalypt species trials, acacia, cypress, redwood, grevillea, cryptomeria, pseudoacacia. John is a wood enthusiast with two portable mills. He mills his own timber and does custom cutting for others. |
John Furniss |
Waikato | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Brown property |
35 minutes from Hamilton |
40 ha property on the lower eastern slopes of Mt Pirongia, 30 ha planted in a range of species including blackwood, redwood, cypress, black walnut and radiata pine. It might be seen as a typical farm forestry block. |
Ian Brown |
Radiata pine museum |
4 km from Waingaro |
Living museum showing the history and development of 120 years of forestry in NZ. Comprehensive display of a range of pine genotypes and silvicultural systems. |
Wink Sutton |
Amakiwi Forest Trust |
Waikaretu |
A range of species planted since 1990. Some 66% radiata and cypress. The rest is eucalypts, blackwood, northern hardwoods and softwoods, and natives. Experimental continuous cover areas. |
Ian Barton |
55 Taitua Road Temple View Hamilton |
A collection of mature trees covering 20 ha of open pasture, lakes and woodland gardens. Developed by farm foresters, now owned by Hamilton City Council. |
Open to the public, free entry |
Reporoa, nr Taupo |
Integrated tree plantings, a mix of woodlots, shelter belts, shade trees and wetland planting. |
Kyle Brennan |
Reporoa |
Cypress, douglas fir, radiata, redwood and eucalypt for timber. Shelterbelts, mainly mixed poplar/radiata. |
Benjamin and Sylvia Lee, |
Taumarunui redwoods |
Just out of Taumarunui, over the river |
4 ha of redwood established around 1927. Spectacular stand with highest recorded basal area in the world (unconfirmed). |
DoC office, Taumarunui |
Bay of Plenty | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
McLaren Falls Park |
Lower Kaimais, Tauranga |
Arboretum of specimen trees planted from 1965. |
Western BoP District Council administers the park. |
20 minutes SW of Te Puke |
Farm plantings, woodlots, specimen trees, riparian enhancement, public recreation, production forestry. |
Geoff and Gill Brann |
319 Reid Rd, Welcome Bay, Te Puke |
Radiata first planted 1961. Alternative species – cypress, black walnut, eucalypt, blackwood, poplar and paulownia – planted from 1980s alongside FRI’s special purpose species research programme, so a lot of silvicultural experimenting took place. Wetlands, dams. Riparian areas planted in natives. Care is taken to match planting to the land forms. |
A working forest open to the public for recreation purposes. Entry by gold coin donation. |
Redwood Memorial Grove |
5 km south of Rotorua, adjoining Whakarewarewa Forest. |
Of the original 12 ha of redwoods planted from 1901, six ha, the Redwood Memorial Grove, remain today. There are also small areas of plantings from 1901 onwards - eucalypts, acacias, and northern hemisphere hardwoods and softwoods. The forest has played an important role in the NZ forest industry and continues to do so. Most of it is productive plantation forest, where from time to time you can see all facets of the management cycle. |
Entry to the forest is free. |
Gisborne-East Coast | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Eastwoodhill Arboretum |
2392 Wharekopae Road, 35 km NW of Gisborne |
The National Arboretum of New Zealand. It holds the most comprehensive collection of woody plants in New Zealand. Many rare and unusual conifers. Possibly the largest collection of northern hemisphere trees south of the equator. |
0-6-863 9003 |
Hackfalls Arboretum |
187 Berry Road, Tiniroto |
Over 3000 species and varieties of oaks, alders, cherries, magnolias, maples and more. The collection of evergreen and semi-evergreen Mexican oak species is considered the largest private collection of oaks in the Southern Hemisphere. |
The property is a charitable trust, open to the public (entrance fee applies). 0-6-863 7083 |
Te Karaka |
Medium to steep hill country. 15% planted with pines and alternative species for soil conservation, shade and timber. |
Bob Wishart & Meg Gaddum 0-6-862 3418 |
Whangara |
Medium steep hill country with a variety of species for erosion control, production forestry and QE II covenanted. |
Nick Seymour |
8 km NW of Gisborne |
“Tranquillity in a stunning rural landscape. A mosaic of different hues of green.” Black walnut, blackwood, autumn colour and a range of conifers. 4 ha of oaks planted since 2009. Prime purpose is erosion control and gorse control, but strong amenity values, timber, shade and fodder are also factors. |
Kees and Kay Weytmans |
3/4 hour west of Gisborne |
400 ha in grass, 100 in forestry, of which 80 ha is conservation planting that qualifies for carbon credits. A range of forestry species, plus poplars planted originally for erosion control until drought proved their value as fodder. Wide variety of poplars, now also planted in paddocks, and providing leaf fall from January to July. |
Ray Newman |
Hawke’s Bay | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Guthrie Smith Trust |
Tutira, on SH2 40 km north of Napier |
The arboretum comprises 90 ha, with over 20,000 trees planted since 2002. Collections of single genera including tree crops are being developed, along with small blocks of timber trees for evaluation. Trees are grouped by country and geographic region. The tree planting programme continues. |
Open to the public |
Tutira Country Park |
Access through DoC wildlife reserve via a drive to east of the lake |
The park includes walks, a wetland, an arboretum, and picturesque lakes. The regional council manages an erosion control, sustainable land management programme. The park was established to demonstrate soil conservation / erosion control practices, and to provide a great place to relax. A commemorative chair recognises the contribution of NZ’s first soil conservator, Doug Campbell 1906–1969, who was instrumental in introducing many of the now accepted land and farming practices in NZ in the 1940s and 50s, including erosion control and aerial top dressing. |
Open to the public |
Holt Forest Trust Arboretum |
Turnoff sign-posted at Tutira and again, on the right, . km past Waikoau village |
A wide variety of ornamental and commercial trees and shrubs, developed to show the quality, size, and magnificence which trees can attain. The first trees planted - redwood, douglas fir and kahikatea - have reached towering heights. The arboretum is being managed for perpetuity. |
Open to the public |
Wyn-Harris farm |
Waipukurau |
Plantings from early 1980s, mainly cypress (lusitanica) and Eucalyptus regnans, planted for shade/shelter, erosion control, animal welfare, and amenity, with radiata for timber. |
Steve Wyn-Harris |
‘Mangarara’ |
At end of Mangarara Road, Patangata |
Planting started 1995, for production forestry and also for shade, shelter, nutrient recycling and fodder. Focus is on choosing the right trees for the right purpose. The return from selling carbon credits from a 20ha native block has enabled the planting of some 95,000 trees in the past four years. |
Open to the public. Greg Hart |
Taranaki | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Hawkes farm |
10 mins south of Bell Block |
Growing trees for shelter/shade (for stock and grass), pleasant working environment, conservation aspects (birds, other fauna, bees) and to store carbon. Timber an added bonus, but no longer planting pines, now moving to redwoods and cryptomerias instead. A recently bought 10ha block of grass will all be planted in trees for carbon sequestration. |
Rodney Hawkes |
Peat farm |
Midway between Taumarunui and Stratford |
Trees for timber, erosion control, shade, shelter, and to attract birds. Some radiata, plus eucalypts, macrocarpa, blackwoods and a small arboretum. |
Murray and Sally Peat |
Schumacher farms |
Purangi, plus home farm just out of Inglewood |
Riparian plantings on home farm. At Purangi there are 35 ha of forestry planted from late 1990s, mainly pine but also redwood, cryptomeria, blackwood and eucalypt. Two QE II covenanted areas. Both the farm and the larger reserve (Otunahe scenic reserve, a wonderful example of mature native forest) are within the much larger Purangi kiwi project, a predator-controlled area cared for by the East Taranaki Environment Trust. |
Karen and Bob Schumacher 0-6-756 8064 |
10 km east of Tariki |
Forestry establishment ongoing since 1980. Now gives sustained yield harvest of 3-4 ha a year. Initially radiata, but being replaced by cypress, redwood, some radiata and non-traditional species eg deciduous hardwoods (oak, beech, etc). Redwood trials. Riparian and amenity plantings. |
Jeremy Thomson |
Te Wera Arboretum Trust |
Te Wera, East Taranaki |
Set up by FRI in 1950s to trial tree species for a range of productive and other uses. The present focus is on maintenance. |
Open to the public |
Whanganui-Manawatu | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
McKean PInetum |
Renfrew Road, Rangiwahia, north of Kimbolton |
An outstanding collection of pines and other conifers from around the world. Primarily of dendrological interest. |
On private property but open to the public. For information contact Don Tantrum 0-6-388 0635 |
Omahuri Farm Partnership |
15 km NE of Whanganui |
A range of exotics and natives, planted with a strong focus on matching tree type to land capability. Natives also subject to silviculture. Wetlands are a feature. There’s an emphasis on biodiversity. |
Ian Moore |
Longridge |
10 m north of Feilding |
A 45 ha farm forestry block, with 25 ha now in trees. Half that area is pine from 3 to 22 years old. The rest is in different varieties of eucalypt, cypress, redwood, oak, cryptomeria, and cedar, plus a selection of aesthetic plantings and an increasing amount of native plantings. |
Dean and Cushla Williamson 0-6-323 9408 or 027 323 9408 |
Greater Wellington | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Stanton Park |
Near Upper Hutt |
Wellington Branch demonstration site within a commercial pine forest – includes range of alternative species. |
Restricted access, visits must be arranged 3-4 days in advance. Contact Dave Gratton 0-4-526 8675 |
Akatarawa, Upper Hutt |
Range of alternative species and silvicultural systems. |
Roger, Daphne and Larry Redington |
Tinui, Castlepoint Road, Masterton |
Conversion of 280 ha hill country sheep and beef property to a mixed-species sustainable forest. Range of alternative species and trial plantings. |
Harriet Palmer |
Rewanui Forest Park |
Signposted 22 km E of Masterton on Castlepoint Road. Carpark 400m further on. |
Integrated land management including native and exotic species trials, public access, beautiful native bush, livestock. |
See |
Nelson | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Appleton’s Arboretum |
Wakefield, Nelson |
A long-established family-run tree nursery. Arboretum established 20 years ago as a future seed source, and trialling area for new species. 6500 trees from 1000 species have been planted on the 150 ha property and seed crops are now being collected. |
Eric and Robert Appleton Appleton’s Tree Nursery |
Milnthorpe Park |
5 km south of Collingwood. Signposted on SH 60, 100m past the turning to Milnthorpe Quay |
Initial mission was to establish a strictly indigenous forest. By 1976, after frequent failures, the true nature of the impoverished soils was clear. Idealism yielded to pragmatism. Australian species proved best suited to conditions - quickly grew to enrich topsoil and provide shade canopy, enabling the successful planting of tens of thousands of longer-lived NZ natives. Increasingly the slower natives are rising through the exotic canopy. Rimu doing particularly well. |
Open to the public |
Tunnel Creek Evergreens |
1/2 hour south of Richmond |
As well as radiata there are 7 ha of douglas fir dating from early 1960s, another 7 ha cypress, 2 ha redwood, two arboreta specialising in fir and cedar, about 100 tulip trees, plus blackwood and eucalypt. A wide range of timbers was used in building the house, many of them coming from the property. |
Bevan Walker |
deGray property |
Upper Moutere |
A trial of 200 sugar maples planted 1984-2000. Tapping taking place since about 2006. Remainder of property planted for timber and amenity, with macrocarpa, blackwood, eucalypts, and more. |
Dave deGray |
Gavin farm |
Murchison |
Planting started 1995, some natives plus alternative timber species, eg cypress (lawson, leyland, ovensii, macrocarpa), redwood, douglas fir, maple, poplar. They are being grown for pleasure, but tended as production forestry. Combination of open space and trees – gardening with trees. |
Terry and Claire Gavin |
Marlborough | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Wither Hills Farm Park |
On Wither Hills, E of Blenheim. Several access points with information boards. |
The reserve is operated as a working farm. Soil conservation also a principal function. There has been extensive and ongoing tree planting within the valley systems since 1985. There is a 40 ha QE II covenanted area of dryland forest. A recovery management programme prepared following a major fire in 2000 includes annual vegetation monitoring and additional ecosourced planting. |
Open to the public |
Victoria Domain |
Picton |
Rapid recovery back to natural vegetation has occurred over much of this former cleared and farmed peninsula. Control continues on invasive weed species, plus periodic control of possum, goat and pig. A weed pest management plan helps prioritise control efforts. |
Open to the public |
Waihopai Valley |
Planting since 1978. Trees integrated into management of the dryland sheep/beef farm, to provide shelter, shade, fodder and amenity values. Radiata used as commercial crop, elsewhere alternative species are used, including poplars for erosion control. |
Chris Dawkins |
West Coast | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
The Tree Centre |
10 km north of Hokitika |
Pine plantation and surrounding trial species, tall native kahikatea forest and wetland, poplars and willows at river section. |
Michael Orchard |
Thompson/ Danford property |
5 km north of Hokitika |
Pine, cypress and eucalypt woodlots since 1994, fruit trees and crops, lifestyle sheep grazing, QE II native forest covenant. |
Susi Thompson and Rob Danford |
Davidson Property |
4km north of Hokitika |
Sheep farm, exotic woodlots, a range of special species plantings, QE II native forest covenant. |
Jack Davidson |
Ferguson property |
30 mins NE of Greymouth |
Large-scale deer, sheep, beef farm. Large indigenous forest sustained yield operation, via a registered plan allowing extraction of one tree per ha per year – about 1000 tonnes a year. Indigenous protected forest covenants, exotic shelterbelts. 10 ha douglas fir approaching 35 years old, 16 ha radiata carbon sink. |
Ken Ferguson |
Gaia Trees |
10km south of Hokitika |
Tree nursery, fruit trees, shelter and coastal shelter. Some timber. Coppicing eucalypts for firewood, other hardwoods for woodturning. Also pollarding as a form of coppicing to keep new growth out of reach of animals. |
Ben Gaia |
Canterbury | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Hanmer Forest |
Outskirts of Hanmer, North Canterbury |
Range of NZ Forest Service trial plantings from the early 1900s onwards. |
Open to the public |
Hawarden, N. Canterbury |
Range of species for woodlots and shelterbelts in inland N. Canterbury hill country. |
Dugald Rutherford |
Mt Grey, N. Canterbury |
Range of species suitable for N. Canterbury. Trees for woodlots, shelterbelts and fodder. |
Gary Fleming |
Orton Bradley Park |
Charteris Bay, Banks Peninsula |
Orton Bradley planted 150 species from around the globe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As well as amenity values he was interested in the timber potential of a range of trees, from planting through to milling. The arboretum is primarily a conifer collection, and has expanded with experimental plantings in the late 1970s and early 1980s. |
Open to the public. Entry fee |
Lake Coleridge Arboretum (Harry Hart Arboretum) |
Lake Coleridge |
A collection of conifers in the Canterbury high country first planted by Harry Hart in 1933 to provide shelter for staff working at the Lake Coleridge power station. It was doubled in size mid-1980s, with further expansion mid-1990s. |
Open to the public – but go first to Coleridge Lodge to get the arboretum guide |
‘Silverwood’ |
Hororata |
4ha of experimental sustainable forestry using oak, walnut, wattle, chestnut, cypress, eucalypts, and natives on a cold dryland site. Planting began in 2001, was expanded to include natives in 2006, cypresses in 2009, eucalypts in 2011, and silver wattles in 2012. Chestnut coppicing aimed at sustainably producing naturally durable posts began in 2012. |
Derrick Rooney |
Somerset Farm |
45 km west of Ashburton |
350 ha of flat land, rainfall about 900mm, temperatures range from very cold with snow in winter to hot dry nor’westers in summer. Most fence lines have some form of shelter or shade trees. There are amenity plantings in corners of shelterbelts, around roadside power poles, along laneways and in yard. Wanted to get away from pines (more maintenance, and tend to blow over) and eucalypts (branches often break due to snow and wind). Now over 50 species growing around the farm. |
John and Betty Greenslade |
Otago | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Near Balclutha |
A wide range of cypress species clones and provenances planted as a trial block since 1995. |
Ken Stephens |
‘Jolendale’ arboretum |
9 Peterson Place, Alexandra |
A semi-arid arboretum of tree species from around the world on one of the driest sites in Central Otago. QE II covenanted. |
Privately owned but open to the public. |
20 mins north of Balclutha at Hillend. |
Top example of farm planting, shelter, riparian. Colour themes. |
Alan Roulston |
Southland | (Back to Places to visit contents) | ||
Name of site | Location | What is on view? | Local contact person (if known and necessary for access) |
Milligan farm |
Dipton |
Wide range of eucalypts plus forestry in general. A good autumn brings spectacular colour. |
Graham Milligan |
10 minutes west of Gore |
A variety of less common plantation species, including eucalypt, poplar, cypress and Nothofagus. |
John Purey-Cust |
SFFA Waimumu demonstration site |
Waimumu, Southland |
An ongoing project for over 20 years, with radiata pine, cypress, willow, eucalypt and natives. Currently in the process of eradicating crack willow. |
John Purey-Cust |
Watson farm |
15 minutes east of Invercargill |
Flat, exposed to salt winds with a coastal sting. Three bad winters in a row with massive loss of lambs was the catalyst to start planting for shelter – originally for sheep, but now benefiting dairy and horticulture. The farm now a pleasant workplace, with shelter, wetlands, plus native and exotic amenity plantings. |
Graeme Watson |