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South Otago Branch Field Day - Tuapeka West

Friday 19 July 2024 1.30pm

Hays' farm,  Athenaeum Road, Tuapeka West.

Meet at the farm sheds by 1.30 pm, for a farm forestry tour.

Queries contact Fiona Lomax


Wairarapa Branch Field Day - Reconditioned Sawmill

Saturday 20 July 2024 2pm onwards

Bill and Lucinda Maunsell’s reconditioned sawmill, Rahui, 1237a Tinui Valley Road, Tinui.

Bill Maunsell and daughter Lucinda have been busy bringing an old sawmill on their Rahui property back to life. Bill has also recently felled some fine 80-year-old macrocarpas, which are destined to be milled.

If all the stars align, we will be able to see the mill in action on the afternoon of Saturday 20th July, and see the timber produced from the macs.  If the weather is good, there will also be a chance to see some of Bill’s near-by plantings.

The Maunsells were the original settlers of Tinui Station back in the day, and amongst the very earliest farmers who diversified into forestry on their steeper hills, so there is plenty of history and experience here. Also some exciting new farm diversification activities led by Lucinda.

We can finish off either at the Tinui or Castlepoint pub.

Please RSVP to Harriet Palmer  021 02532529


The Harvested Wood Material Levy Vote 2024. How it affects you as a forest owner.

Forest Growers Levy Trust: Webinar series

You are invited to join the Forest Growers Levy Trust for a series of webinars on the Levy Vote 2024 starting on Wednesday 3 July 2024.

The Harvested Wood Material Levy is paid by every plantation forest owner in New Zealand when their trees are harvested.

Money raised by the levy is used to support work for the collective benefit of the industry. The levy supports research and development work, health and safety initiatives, biosecurity protection, forestry advocacy and promotion and a host of other work programs to help support forest growers and New Zealand forestry.

At present every tonne of wood harvested from a plantation forest is levied at 33c per tonne. The levy is collected at the port or sawmill and the funds and work program are managed by the Forest Growers Levy Trust (FGLT). It is proposed that the levy rate be potentially increased in the next 6-year levy term to support a larger work program and do more to invest in the future of NZ forestry and meet the new challenges facing the industry.

The industry is required by legislation to vote every 6 years to decide whether to continue with the levy and at what rate.  The vote will be held from October 1 – 31st this year.

Over the past two months the Forest Growers Levy Trust (FGLT) have completed a series of regional roadshows around the country on the Levy Vote 2024. These consultation sessions are an opportunity for all potential levy payers to have their say into what happens with the levy and learn more about the referendum process.

We have been speaking to forest owners like yourselves to get feedback on the levy and discuss potential changes heading into the next 6-year period.

In person meetings are not always convenient for forest owners, and so we are now running a series of webinars to make sure every potential levy payer can have their say and vote in the October referendum. We would like to you to come along and be involved.

Levy Vote 2024 Webinar program:

Please choose the webinar that suits your schedule and click on the relevant link above. No RSVP is required.

Zoom links for each webinar will also be posted on the FGLT Levy Vote 2024 website .

We hope you can join us. It’s your levy, so make sure you have your say.

You can learn more about the levy in this brochure FGLT Have your say or by visiting  the  FGLT Levy Vote 2024 website  for more information.

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar series.

Farm Forestry - Headlines

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