August, 2016
Eucalyptus Beetle Investigation Underway
Eucalyptus Beetle (paropsisterna beata) Investigation Underway
MPI has been conducting an investigation on a suspect eucalyptus beetle found on firewood as a result of a posting on NatureWatch. The notifier collected fallen eucalyptus branches for firewood from a roadside near Waikanae and took them back home to Trentham, Upper Hutt. The beetle specimens collected off the firewood for identification have been confirmed as Paropsisterna beata (i.e. the same beetle found in Whitemans Valley and was subject to a response in 2012 and declared eradicated in 2015). The investigation is continuing, and MPI will be discussing the investigation findings and recommendations with FOA in the near future.
Please report sightings of this beetle to MPI by ringing the Ministry’s pest and disease hotline 0800 80 99 66. It is helpful to take photos, collect samples and record the location where it was detected.
Please also let the NZFFA or the NZFOA know if you find any evidence of this unwanted organism.
- Glenn Tims NZFFA on (04) 472 0432 or email
- Venise Comfort NZFOA (04) 473 4769 or email
Further information available can be found at or on the Farm Forestry website